5 Ridiculous, Unexpected Problems You’ll Face In Interracial Relationships

Kovie Biakolo, writing for the Chicago Defender:


I’m not going to lie, sometimes it kills me that we actually have verbiage like “interracial relationships”; it just seems so trite and unnecessary. Still, the reality of the society that we live in is we still have to use the term to differentiate relationships. Ultimately,those who have experienced them know that being a different race from your partner doesn’t necessarily make for more difficult relationships, and yet, there are undeniably unique, complicated challenges.

And while we may like to make jokes about the hardest parts of being in an interracial relationship, just 50 years ago, the law banned us from even considering one. Today’s society may be more tolerant, but tolerant doesn’t spell easy. Here are just a few of the very real and unexpected issues that you will have to deal with when you’re in an interracial relationship.


You can read the rest here:


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