Puerto Rican Woman
by Vanesa ‘Littlecrow’ Colon-Ortiz
November 1999
- I am a mixed-blooded citizen
- of the United States of America,
- as was my great-great grandmother,
- my great grandmother before me,
- my grandmother and my mother.
- This is how I know I’m an American.
- But you, young man whose
- grandparents lived in Europe
- long before they went to Ellis Island,
- Disagree with my viewpoint, vehemently.
- You want me to go back to Mexico
- even though I never lived there.
- You claim that true Americans
- speak English only and that
- I should forget my other languages.
- So it really doesn’t matter that
- I read Cervantes and Shakespeare
- to pass the my idle time while
- you consider Jerry Springer
- a wealth of valuable information.
- In your mind, the American Way
- is the path towards stupidity.
- In your mind, I am simpleton because,
- I have an accent and people who speak
- “good English” don’t.
- (At least, they think they don’t.)
- In your eyes, you see me as a hostile
- dark-skinned foreigner even though
- my blood is as mixed as yours and
- my roots here are longer than yours.
- So, even if you do mind, I’ll
- vehemently disagree with your views.
- Perhaps you haven’t noticed,
- but America is a Spanish variant
- of an Italian man’s name.
- The natives of the land
- before the Spanish named her
- weren’t of British blood.
Vanesa is an artist, cartoonist, professional model, and owner of VasLittlecrow.com
Also by Vas Littlecrow
- Smart Cookie
- Yin Yang
Copyright © 1999 Vanesa ‘Littlecrow’ Colon-Ortiz. All rights reserved.