[Congressional Bills 106th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] [S. Con. Res. 85 Introduced in Senate (IS)] 106th CONGRESS 2d Session S. CON. RES. 85 Condemning the discriminatory practices prevalent at Bob Jones University. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February 29, 2000 Mr. Torricelli (for himself, Mr. Reid, and Mr. Robb) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Condemning the discriminatory practices prevalent at Bob Jones University. Whereas the Senate strongly rejects the practices of racism, segregation, and intolerance based on religious beliefs; Whereas the administration of Bob Jones University enforces a segregationist policy by prohibiting interracial couples on the Bob Jones University campus; Whereas officials of Bob Jones University routinely disparage those of other religious faiths with intolerant and derogatory remarks; Whereas officials of Bob Jones University have likened the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church to a ``possessed demon'', and branded Catholicism as a ``satanic system and religion of the anti-Christ''; Whereas the Website of Bob Jones University greets visitors with the University's belief that Catholicism and Mormonism are ``cults''; and Whereas senior officials of Bob Jones University have made openly racist remarks on many occasions regarding African Americans and Asian Americans: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That Congress-- (1) condemns practices, such as those prevalent at Bob Jones University, that seek to discriminate against and divide Americans on the basis of race, ethnicity, and religion; and (2) strongly denounces individuals who seek to subvert the American ideals of inclusion, equality, and social justice. <all> https://www.congress.gov/106/bills/sconres85/BILLS-106sconres85is.pdf