Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:46:25 -0800 (PST)
From: yar drofwarc
Subject: Letter to the Editor
The concept of race is a construct of the devil that is used to divide people from living in harmony with each other. It is very clear from the words of God that all men are created from one blood (one drop rule) from the begining of time there was no such thing as pure race we are all desined the same we all need love and affection we all need food we all need sex we are all subjects of death. there is no such thing as BLACK OR WHITE BLOOD ALL BLOOD IS RED” IF GOD had wanted a pure race he would have made one there is nothing in nature that is pure the entire WORLD is a complex make up of various elements. Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen . Atoms are made up of electrons protons neutrons. DIVERSITY IS THE NORM OF LIFE THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THE MYTHOLOGICAL PURE RACE CONCOCTION A WORLD THAT Is PURE WOULD BE STAGNANT AND DULL.THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE IS OF COULOUR WHICH MAKES US ONE PEOPLE UNDER GOD WE ARE LIKE ONE TREE WITH MANY BRANCHES OF SKIN SHADES THAT STEMS FROM OUR GENOTYPE. GOD BLESS’ YAR