Letters to the Editor

LTE: Confederacy Whining

Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:52 PM
From: Bill Wine
Subject: Letter to the Editor

In our society, we teach our children to be tolerant of other people, their traditions and heritage. By this tolerance of others, even if we don’t see eye to eye, we are taught that our diversity becomes our strength as a nation.

As a nation, we justly celebrate Black History Month, commemorating the struggles the blacks have endured throughout our nation’s history. There are various holidays celebrated by people of various nationalities and races here in the U.S.A.

The American people have the right to celebrate their heritage in the manner they choose. It is the very essence of freedom. Yet, for some reason, many in society hold contempt for those who wish to commemorate the memory of their gallant and noble ancestors who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War.

This is the point where tolerance vanishes.

The Commonwealth of Virginia has refused to allow the Sons of Confederate Veterans to proudly display their logo on Virginia vehicle license plates. The Sons only wish to publicly display their heritage with the blessing of the Commonwealth.

However, Virginia has turned her back on those men who felt it imperative to do the honorable: defend their families and property and fight to save Virginia soil from an aggressive adversary. These men stood their ground, exactly what any man would do today if faced with the same threat.

There are those who say, let the past go! The war is over! Let’s get on with living and quit squabbling over the past!

Do we apply this same cavalier rhetoric to the tragic events of Sept. 11?

William W. Wine
Woodstock, Virginia

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