A Graphic Film of Protest, and Cries of Blasphemy

A Graphic Film of Protest, and Cries of Blasphemy
The New York Times
September 27, 2004

Carla Rus, a Dutch psychiatrist, said she had worked for 20 years with abused women in shelters, where more than half were Muslims. “Suicide attempts among foreign young women are five time higher than among local women,” she said, citing studies.

While the debate goes on, so do the attacks on Ms. Hirsi Ali. A rap song, played on some local radio stations, calls for her death. Chat rooms and e-mail messages announce death threats. The police in Rotterdam have just arrested a young Moroccan man whom they charged with sending a death threat to Ms. Hirsi Ali.

This is similar to what happens in the U.S. Don’t talk about the serious social problems of official minority groups for fear of being called “racist.” Of course, there is racism in holding those groups to a low standard of behavior that would not be tolerated from “whites.”

There is also great legal tolerance for death threats made on the internet.

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