Different views on succeeding in America

Dallas, TX: Frost’s appeal to Jews offends some

Democrat Martin Frost believes that when Republicans tried to slam the door on his 26-year congressional career, they mistakenly opened a window. In destroying Frost’s Dallas-area district during last year’s political remapping, Republicans created a district that includes most of the city’s Jewish community. “Coincidentally, I’m the only Jewish congressman in the state,” Frost said. “That’s one of the reasons I’m running in this district.” But some Jews are uncomfortable, even outraged, that Frost would use his faith to solicit votes in his campaign against four-term Republican Rep. Pete Sessions. “The fact that he’s Jewish is something he should be proud of, but it shouldn’t be a hawking issue,” said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “We shouldn’t vote for someone because he’s Jewish or Christian or Muslim. That’s not what our country is about.” Foxman said he considers Frost a friend, but that the congressman’s blatant appeal to Jews is unacceptable. He said his organization has criticized Christians for similar tactics.

This is interesting. Appealing to voters as Jews is “verboten” but appealing to voters on the basis of their alleged “race” is acceptable and expected. Perhaps it is because Jews can “pass” and therefore do not want to call attention to themselves – OR Jewish history in Europe teaches us that they fared best when the were emancipated and not treated as a separate caste. Lessons for other groups?

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