Forum: Internet course on Multiracial Families


I am a professor of sociology at the University of North Texas. This summer I will teach an internet course entitled “The Multiracial Family.” It is an upper division sociology course that will cover the history of interracial sexuality, investigate the implications of the one-drop rule, look at research concerning interracial dating/marriage and multiracial identity, explore the census controversy, inquire about transracial adoption and discuss a number of other issues connected to multiracial families.

The vast majority of colleges and university in this country do not offer a course specifically designed to address the issues that interracial families and multiracial individuals face. Fortunately most colleges will take an upper division sociology course from antoher accredited university. I intentionally have worked to put this course online so that I can make it available to everyone in the country. I hope that students interested in this subject can take the course and have the hours transfered into their program or perhaps nonstudents who are interested in experiencing an academic treatment fo these topics. If you are interested in taking this course can go to Click on Courses, then Summer II 2005, then School of Community Service, and finally Sociology. That will take you to a web page where you get a brief description of the course after you click on “The Multiracial Family”. Students from outside of Texas must register for section 2. To register course you will have to apply for admission to UNT. You can get admission information at: After you are admitted you will get information about how to sign up for the course.

I hope this course can be a service to some of you. If you have any questions or want to see a more detail outline of the course you can email me at

2005-04-14 23:01:00

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