Seeking Potential Participants for Research Study on Multiracial Americans
Are you a multiracial American between the ages of 18 and 65? If so, on behalf of Dr. Jennifer Jones of the University of Notre Dame and Dr. Reanne Frank of The Ohio State University, we invite you to take part in our research study, which concerns the development of racial identity among multiracials. There are no foreseeable significant direct benefits to you by participating in this research. Additionally, we hope that this research will provide you with the opportunity to engage in meaningful reflection about your identity. Furthermore, it is our hope that this research will benefit society in general by advancing our awareness and understanding of the experience of race in contemporary society.
If you agree to participate in our research, we ask that you complete an informational survey and family history to the best of your ability. Completing the survey and family history will take approximately 20 minutes. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this study, and will be asked to sign an informed consent form to participate.
If you would like to complete this research study, please using the following link to participate.
If you agree to participate in our research, we ask that you complete an informational survey and family history to the best of your ability. Completing the survey and family history will take approximately 20 minutes.
As a reward to participating in the survey, we offer you the opportunity to participate in a raffle to win an Amazon gift certificate for $50 at the completion of the survey and family history. The odds of winning are between 1/38 and 1/125.
If you are asked and agree to participate in a follow-up interview, we will provide you with an additional small honorarium of $20.00 in exchange for your participation at the time of the interview. For more information about this research study, please contact Dr. Jennifer Jones at For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you may contact the Office of Research at (574) 631-1389.