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- April 18, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversighthtml version and pdf version
April 12, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House and Senate Judiciary Committees Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversight
April 4, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House and Senate Judiciary Committees Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversight
March 30, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to United States Senate Regarding REAL ID Act
- March 29, 2005 Joint Letter from National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding REAL ID Act and Religious Asylum MS Word version and pdf version
March 15, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to U.S. House of Representative Regarding REAL ID Act
February 9, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to U.S. House of Representatives Regarding REAL ID Act
- February 8, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding REAL ID Act and Religious Asylum html version and pdf version
- February 3, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding REAL ID Act and Religious Asylum html version and pdf version
- November 16, 2004 Joint Comment Letter to University of California Board of Regents Regarding Multiracial Category
- November 16, 2004 Letter from George Winkel, Esq. to University of California Board of Regents in Support of Creation of a Multiracial Classification
November 15, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Conference Committee on Intelligence Reform
- October 15, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Conference Committee on Intelligence Reform html version and pdf version
October 4, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to United States Congress Regarding Implementation of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Report
- September 10, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Department of Homeland Security Regarding Detention Without Charge
- June 22, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding Detention Without Charge html version and MS Word version
- June 16, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Senators Leahy, Kennedy, Corzine, Feingold and Durbin upon introduction of the Civil Liberties Restoration Act (CLRA) of 2004 html version and MS Word version
- June 16, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Representatives Berman and Delahunt upon introduction of the Civil Liberties Restoration Act (CLRA) of 2004 html version and MS Word version
- June 15, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to United States Senate Regarding U.S. Use of Torture html version and MS Word version
- June 15, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Chairmen Goss and Sensenbrenner Regarding H.R. 3179, the “Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Tools Improvement Act of 2003” html version and MS Word version
- April 22, 2004 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Department of Homeland Security Regarding US-VISIT Program
- March 18, 2004 Letter from George Winkel, Esq. to University of California Board of Regents in Support of Creation of a Multiracial Classification
- March 17, 2004 Joint Comment Letter to University of California Board of Regents Regarding Multiracial Category
- September 9, 2003 Joint Letter to United States Senate on Surveillance of the Homeless
- June 4, 2003 Joint Letter to House Judiciary Committee on Secret Detentions
- April 8, 2003 Joint Letter to Director of OMB on National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
- April 2, 2003 Joint Letter to Speaker Hastert on PATRIOT Act II
- March 21, 2003 Deidra Suwanee Dees Letter to First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush Regarding War on Iraq
- March 17, 2003 Joint Letter to Congress on Domestic Security Enhancement Act
- November 18, 2002 Coalition Letter to Senators Lott & Daschle Regarding Total Information Awareness
- October 30, 2002 Comment Letter From The Multiracial Activist and American Civil Rights Institute Regarding Racial Data Collection
- June 27, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Regarding National Identification Cards html version and PDF version
- June 20, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Regarding Domestic Surveillance
June 4, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Senators Leahy and Hatch Regarding Domestic Spying
June 4, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Representatives Sensenbrenner and Conyers Regarding Domestic Spying
- May 22, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to President, European Parliament Urging Vote Against Data Retention (English Version)
- May 8, 2002 The Multiracial Activist Letter to James P. Moran Regarding H.R. 1452
- April 29, 2002 Coalition Letter (signed by TMA) to House in Support of the Bipartisan “Restoration of Fairness in Immigration Act of 2002”
- March 7, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House of Representatives In Support of the Bipartisan “Restoration of Fairness in Immigration Act of 2002”
- March 6, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Attorney General Regarding Domestic Spying
- February 26, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Secretary of Treasury Regarding Territorial Tax System
- February 11, 2002 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to President Regarding National Identification Cards
December 20, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Attorney General Regarding Eavesdropping on Confidential Attorney-Client Conversations
- December 19, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Director of OMB Regarding Interest on Deposits Held by Non-Resident Aliens
- November 27, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Co-sponsors of H.R. 1266 Urging Continued Support
- November 12, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to President, EU Council of Ministers Urging European ISPs to Safeguard Privacy (English Version)
- November 12, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to President, EU Council of Ministers Urging European ISPs to Safeguard Privacy (French Version)
- October 29 – November 7, 2001 Joint Letters (signed by TMA) to FBI, Justice and INS Regarding Post-September 11 Detentions
- October 19, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House and Senate Conferees Regarding “Sneak and Peek” Search Warrants on Anti-Terrorism Legislation
- October 10, 2001 The Multiracial Activist Letter to Speaker Hastert Regarding Anti-terrorism Legislation
- October 1, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Attorney General Regarding Anti-terrorism Legislation
- September 10, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Senators Leahy & Hatch Regarding Drug War
- August 15, 2001 Joint Letter to Secretary of Treasury Regarding Interest on Deposits Held by Non-Resident Aliens
- July 3, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House Majority Leader Richard K. Armey Regarding Privacy
- May 31, 2001 America’s Community Bankers Letter to Internal Revenue Service Regarding Interest on Deposits Held by Non-Resident Aliens
- May 15, 2001 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Secretary of the Treasury Regarding Financial Privacy
- May 10, 2001 The Multiracial Activist Letter to Senator John Warner Regarding H.R. 1266
- March 31, 2000 Census Bureau Director Prewitt Letter to Project RACE Regarding Multiple Response Sampling
- January 20, 2000 Project RACE Comment Letter to Census Bureau Regarding Multiple Response Sampling
- December 6, 1999 House Banking Republicans Comment Letter Regarding Changes to Regulation B
- December 6, 1999 Senate Banking Republicans Comment Letter Regarding Changes to Regulation B
- November 10, 1999 Comment Letter From The Multiracial Activist and INTERRACIAL VOICE Regarding Racial Data Collection
- November 10, 1999 Comment Letter From America’s Community Bankers Regarding Racial Data Collection
- November 10, 1999 Comment Letter From American Financial Services Association Regarding Racial Data Collection
- November 8, 1999 Comment Letter From Michigan Credit Union League Regarding Racial Data Collection
- November 3, 1999 Comment Letter From Woodstock Institute Regarding Racial Data Collection
- October 27, 1999 Comment Letter From National Community Reinvestment Coalition Regarding Racial Data Collection
- September 13, 1999 Letter From Census Bureau To Department of Justice Regarding Multiracial Data Tabulation
- September 2, 1999 Census 2000 Decision Memorandum No. 89
- August 31, 1999 Letter From Department of Justice To Census Bureau Regarding Multiracial Data Tabulation
- July 13, 1999 Letter From A Place For Us/National to President Clinton Regarding The Multiethnic Placement Act
- January 28, 1999 Letter From Congressional Black Caucus to Republican Conference Chairman
- January 28, 1999 Letter From Congressional Black Caucus to Democratic Caucus Chairman
- January 27, 1999 Letter From Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. to Democratic National Committee Co-Chairs
- May 28, 1998 Joint Letter to Federal Reserve Regarding Racial Classifications in Banking
- February 20, 1998 Letter From Attorney General to Federal Reserve Regarding Racial Classifications in Banking
- February 3, 1998 Letter From Virginia Delegate Lindy T. “Toddy” Puller Regarding Multiracial Category
- July 17, 1997 Letter from Senator John Warner (R-VA) Regarding H.R. 830
- July 1, 1997 Speaker Gingrich Endorses Multiracial Census Category
- June 30, 1997 Letter from Senator John McCain (R-AZ) Regarding H.R. 830
- January 1943 Letter from Walter Plecker to Virginia Registrars, Physicians, Health Offices, Nurses, School Superintendents, and Clerks of the Courts regarding mulatto classification
- September 10, 1942 Letter from Tennessee State Librarian and Archivist to Walter Plecker Regarding Melungeon Classification
- August 20, 1942 Letter from Walter Plecker to Tennessee State Librarian and Archivist Regarding Melungeon Classification
- August 12, 1942 Letter from Tennessee State Librarian and Archivist to Walter Plecker Regarding Melungeon Classification
- August 5, 1942 Letter from Walter Plecker to Tennessee Secretary of State Regarding Melungeon Classification