Letters to the Editor

why racemixing is wrong

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:14:13 EST
From: Rick
Subject: rick

why racemixing is wrong.     By. anonomous

    In the begining there was the mighty atom. As many eons past, the
earth growing and forging & sculpting to be the mighty sphere that it
is today.  Fast forwarding 100 million years, amoeba, dinosaur,
neanderthal, grandmaster flash last C.D. etc.  The modern human known as
homo sapien came to fruition.  As the homo sapien spread through out the
earth and settled on there land of chose.They began evolving [both
mentally and phisically]

      As everyone knows that if you isolate yourself & your people
from the main collective for thousands of generations, your physical
features will naturally be altered to compensate for the climate
indigenous to that specific part of the world.
Ex: The indigenous people of africa naturally cultivated black skin in
order to counter react the effects of the sun. The darker the skin the
more protection you have from the suns ultra violet radiation. Blacks do
have the ability to get skin cancer but not as much as other races.

    Now that I gave you a quick lesson on pre-racial history, now lets get
to the good stuff. The reasons why racemixing is wrong.
1] Racemixing is altering the genetic landscape of the world.
2] Dilution of culture.
3] Medical concerns of Biracial people.
4] Glorious bloodlines are being compromised.
5] Honor & loyalty are being cohorted.
6] Questionable bloodrights.
7] Dubious physicality.
8] Entire industries Have to retool & recalibrate.
9] love vs cohesion & integrity.
10] The Standard.

     I'll limit myself to just ten this time, so you can properly digest
this enlightning material.

       1] Racemixing is altering the genetic landscape of the world.
       Change is not always a good thing. Sometimes the genuine article is
more then sufficient then the modified version. It's just like the old
sayings "Less is more"
"If its not broke then don't fix it. You can't add to perfection.  Why go
to another restaurant when the one that your at is satisfactory?  RM is a
repugnant,poltroonic endeavor. The reason we have Ethnically pure/Racially
pure people is to maintain a true representation of a culture and race. If
you don't harbor a certain percentage of hallmark people within a blood
supply, You risk watching your whole entire population being annhilated
because of racemixing.

    Look at the aztecs,maya,Incas, Tainos, and many others.  These people
that I mentioned & that I didn't mention are extinct because of 3 factors.
War, Disease & Racemixing.     The first two are pretty self explanitory.
But the third one is a mother fucker. All the indigenous people who did
not die from the first two,Died because there blood got so compromised
that they might as well consider themself a member of the oppressing race.
50%/50%   75%/25% 86%/12%   92%/8%   ETC,ETC.
I'm not mixed [Spaniard/Aztec]  I'm just all spaniard. One more thing on
this subject

       The reason America is great is that were all different, Different
mind sets, religions, races experiences, skin colors, So on and so forth.
Now what racemixing does it counter reacts the american dream.Instead of
being different and diverse. Were all going to be exactly the same. Will
be just like brazil.  Every race has a distinct flavor and signature. If
you take the liberty of mongrelizing you also take the liberty of
extinguishing all this unique, beautiful flavors.

     2] Dilution of culture.

      Exactly what it says. You can not have 200% capacity. Something has
to be sacrificed. you have to understand something, Physical
characteristics are not the only thing that is transmitted through the
blood. Culture,heritage, racial obligations, stereotypes,legacies, and
many other things which would take to long to describe.

         Many people love there culture the way it is. Why deviate from
perfection.  RM destroys culture.I'm not saying its right or its fair but
the truth isn't whats always nice. Are you familiar with what a blood
quantum is?

    Blood Quantum- You genetically have to be 25% or more___X___ In order
to have___X____  status.   This was a system invented by the U.S.
government to determine who was native american from a non-native
american.  For proper funding and affirmative action programs.   If the
U.S. govt didn't have this system A man who just immigrated from uganda
could just make up some bullshit just to get a college fund.

        What you physically look like plays a part of culture. It may be
an infinitesimal part of culture,but a part of culture nontheless. Any
time you go into a japanese restaurant You see all these pictures and
icons of of short dark haired yellow people.
Samurai,sumo wrestlers,geisha,kabuki,ETC.

   RM countereacts all of this. The dilution of culture is a side effect
of RM. Dilution & compromise & discord are the offsprings of  RM. My
life for thr preservation of my culture.

       3] Medical concerns of biracial people. 

          Not an exaggeration!!!    One  area of concern is bone marrow
transplant for patients with leukemia and other blood diseases, where the
best chance of a match is within the same genetic pool of potential
donors. [Same race]

Medical facts: 1] The U.S. food and drug administation has not acted on
the critical needfor the inclusion of multiracial people in clinical

  2] The health care system in the U.S. has rendered the multiracial
population "invisible"
  3] In the United States a person who is multiracial can be easily
misclassified as one race at birth and another at death.
  4] The U.S. Department of Health and Human services can tell us nothing
about health risks or trends in public health statistics for multiracial
children and adults. although they have studied every other racial group
and ethnic group.

     4] Glorious bloodlines being compromised.

        Racial purity is a belief respected in many cultures.
[German,English,Japanese]  The german people killed over 6 million people
to reinforce there belief in racial purity. Now that's commitment. You
have to know something about honor & loyalty in order why it's important
to have pure blood.  Pure blood is really more a status symbol then it is
about genetic supremacy

     5] Honor & Loyalty are being cohorted.

       The concept varies slightly from culture to culture. In my culture
[german] The purity of your blood is the most important thing you could
have.  The purer your blood is the more legitamacy & validity you have
in your circle. This concept supersides all cultures. There is no honor is
selling out your race.  If you sell out, you get the hell out.  Pure blood
is really more a status symbol then it is about racism. The fact that your
pure is constued as your progenitors are smart enough & disciplined enough
to maintain the glorious bloodlines.  The code of honor states that you
never sell out your family or people for any price.

    Unfortunately, many american men of the darker variety. Have no code
of honor.  There too busy impregnating white women,selling crack, robbing
people, selling crack, gun running and selling crack.  But thats another
paper. The code of honor dictates what a man can and cannot do, in order
to bring honor or shame within a collective.  —My honor is loyalty—
Motto of the SS.

        6] Questionable Bloodrights.

           Every race has specific meticulous characteristics. Things like
Physical template, culture, language, alphabet, idiosyncrasies, idioms
hand gestures,evolution,courting rituals,bonding rituals, music, food,
dance, folklore,artifacts, weapons, systems, idiologies, artisans, poets,
scholars, warriors, kings, queens, doctrine, vendettas, Any thing and
everything that your people accomplished.  Is compromised because of RM.
Questionable Bloodrights is a side effect of RM.  One of the side effects
of racial purity is clarity.  If your pure there's no question what your
identity, Your identity is absolute.  —Why be diluted when you could be
super concentrated.—

       7] Dubious Physicality. 

           Your face is a portrait of your race.  when you think about it
thats what race is all about, What you physically look like. Physical
appearance dictates race. When you RM one parent usually has the dominate
genes. When you mix black with any other race that child is usually black
[Phenotype] 2 ex:  Tiger woods & halle berry Many biracial people are
often thought to be adopted because they physically don't look like one or
both parents.  Think about it. If both of your biological parents are
full blooded arab then there's a 100% chance that you will physically look
arab. And there would be no extraciricular discord in your life.  paragon

       8]  Entire industries have to retool & recalibrate. 

            Dolls, greeting cards, Wedding figurines, [Those plastic man &
women on top of the wedding cake.] Cartoons, All of these items & many
others that I did not mention have to be recalibrated to accomidate
multiracial people.  There is no such thing as a biracial doll. E-mail
greetings ETC.

       9] Love vs cohesion & integrity. 

          It's just like the old tina turner song. Whats love got to do
with it. The need of the many out ways the need of the few. Love=Bad 
Racial Purity=Good

      10]  "The Standard"  

          You know the standard , it's what the black race does not have.
It's what seperates men from lower forms of life. You can't go through
life doing whatever the hell you want. You got to have standards and
limits.  Discipline and order is the name of the game.  Obiedience brings
victory, And Victory brings life.  Just because everybody around you wants
to fuck up their life does't mean you have to. The Standard sets you a
level among the rest. Thats why whites and asians have been prosperous for
hundreds of years. While blacks make up 46% of the U.S. prison population.
[True Statistic] While they make only 12% of the U.S. population.
Honor, Loyalty, Valor, Allegiance, Duty, Responsibility, Service,
Commitment, Sacrifice, Discipline, Humility, Blood, Brotherhood, ETC
End of part one "INTRODUCTION"

One comment

  1. im slim nice looking english boy of almost 18 live in a room in birmingham uk and mingle with this african nigerian black man of 56 in the street known for around 6 months and we’ve become pals also we are not gay but when we go out at night for walks over the woods this irish white woman aged around 35 sometimes sees us and one week ago seen us go in to this barn and we seen her looking thru a hole in the door as she thinks we are gay so pretended we were gay so we went inside the old house and when we came out after 25 minutes pretended he had sex with me when we came out she called me a n lover, etc etc he told me not to take any notice of her as she’s a racist white woman, as she called me a n????? lover I’m happy to be one as white shit are racists, Jon collins, n🖤lover, black nice 🖤🖤🖤

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