Letters to the Editor

LTE: Standing Up

Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 18:34:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sandra Lapierre
Subject: Letter to the Editor

I want to thank you for being unafraid of standing up to Mr. Lott and the other
senators and congressmen who hold such a racist view. It is hard enough to
raise my two biracial sons who we adopted with out having to fight congress and
the government to enforce the laws that they have already put on the books. You
have featured three different articles about out fight to adopt the last child.
You are the first group who has wanted to help support this cause of transracial
adoption by featuring the articles. He is our son and is the light of my life.
Because of what we went through I have become very active in lobbing for changes
in the laws and to see that they are enforced. No one should have to go
through what our family has been put through.

Sandra Lapierre

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