BET vs. Aaron McGruder

It seems that McGruder is burning bridges he may need later.

clipped from the press release available at the url above:

The first misguided arrow was the editorial decision by the reporter, Paul Farhi, to elevate a 25-year-old comic strip writer, Mr. McGruder, and all his irresponsible and simple-minded comments to the level of bonafide critic of all that BET Holdings has accomplished in its 20 year pioneering history. Mr. Farhi should know that McGruder previously approached BET about turning his cartoon into a BET television show and we rejected it.

The most appalling of McGruder’s reckless charges was that BET “does not serve the interest of black people.” Our response to this slanderous assertion is that the 500-plus dedicated employees of BET do more to serve the interest of African-Americans than this young man has done in his entire life.

One comment

  1. Are those 500-plus dedicated employees of BET employed by Black owners? I think not. So ultimately when it comes down to it, they are serving the “interest” of those they are employed by. Evidenced by the lack of growth and the perpetual nonsense seen constantly baraging Black youths since is acquisition by NON-BLACK owners. Hmmm. It makes one think. It makes one shutter to have comments like the previous “misdirecting” from the true issues.

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