Letters to the Editor

LTE: Unbalanced and Hateful

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Beth Gray
Subject: Letter to the Editor

Dear Mr. Landrith:

I’m sure you and others have noticed, and perhaps others have posted about it, and if so then I repeat: Why is it that when racist “whites” and “blacks” post to the site they only do what they have always done — attack, denigrate, or deny mixed race identity. Don’t they have the guts or the brains to really read and think about the ideas and experiences expressed here? Racists that are allowed to sound off on your site never address the myths of white purity and of hypodescent. They never address the fundamental truth that one person can not define another, they never address that each human being has the right to define herself/himself. They don’t grapple with the fact that they are hung up on trying to dominate and control others. They very vocally spout their own self-definitions but are not civilized enough, not psychologically nor spiritually mature enough to understand you allow them to express themselves here, which is more than they would allow you or me.

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