Letters to the Editor

LTE: Cult Glorification

Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:51:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: “Josh Iman”
Subject: Letter to the Editor

In May of this year, Rev Carter of the Ebeneezer International Chapel at Morehouse College will be enshrining an oil portrait of the infamous cult leader, Daisaku Ikeda, on the “Wall of Fame” side by side with MLK and other celebrated Afrcan Americans.

Ikeda is the leader of Soka gakkai, a Japanese cult that has been exposed time and time again by TIME, Newsweek, BBC news, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, etc, for their intolerant, illegal, and sometimes violent behavior. Currently, the US Congress is investigating the Soka gakkai Cult for their involvement in illegally gaining access to the US National Crime Computer database. Please see their report: http://www.house.gov/reform/hearings/07.27.00/felonies_and_favors.htm

We must not allow the image of the great MLK to be tarnished with such a group as this.

Rev Carter has accepted a large monetary gift in exchange for giving Daisaku Ikeda the privilege of being honored on the same level as MLK. Rev Carter has been gifted all-expense-paid trips to Japan by the Soka Gakkai, and this has all been reported on the front page of the cult’s newspaper, “The World Tribune.”

For more information on the Soka Gakkai / SGI cult, please see: http://news.sg-eye.com


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