Letters to the Editor

LTE: Tiger Woods

Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 17:23:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: “Saida” seaghirl@yahoo.com
Subject: Letter to the Editor

Tiger Woods did mention that he does not consider himself Blacks. And why should he, his dad said that he was Native American, white, then Black. So I don’t look at Tiger Woods as Black or having anything to do with Black. No I’m not a “one drop” re-enforcer I don’t claim anyone into my race (the Black race) that does not want to be there. I notice that mix people use their “blackness” when they want to get scholarships, jobs, etc. Many mix celebrities who call themselves multiracial get Black roles, i.e. Vanessa Williams, Sidney Poitier’s (sp.?) daughter, etc’.I lost out of a scholarship to a white chick that claimed she was “black”. Black is more than a color, it is an experience, that many mix people will never know or understand. Their families never had to go through what my Black family went through in the south or when they moved north. I just want you to know for the record, I never ask what a person is racially. First off, if you look whatever that’s what I assume you are, and if you look a little beige I let it end at that.

It’s none of my business, and I know for a fact by articles, interviews, and books by mix people they get highly offended ONLY when Black people ask them that question. As if we (Black people) are the only was who as the question. Another thing, I don’t want to get a long lecture from mix people about why they call themselves whatever they call themselves. Mix people are the first people to holler we are the human race, but yet they want a category. Live with yourself and be happy, but I really don’t think it’s going to make you happy. I’ve only been on this earth a short time, but it’s been my observation that the question and category offends only mix people of the darker complexion. But like I said, live with yourself and be happy, but a category won’t make you happy, happy comes from within and not what you can classify yourself.


  1. Editor: Actually, Tiger Woods never said he wasn’t black. He said he was part black. You made that part up so you could pretend to be victimized by it. He never uttered the words, “I am not black”, so let’s stop putting words into the mans mouth. Okay? Truth should never be a murdered in any discussion. When lying starts, the credibility of the liar goes out the window. Your letter is chock full of false conclusions, generalizations and racist stereotypes about “multiracial” people. Also, you don’t get to decide if people respond to you here or not. You made the choice to speak here. Others get to respond. Time to do a little emotional maturing.

    1. Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 00:59:18 -0700 (PDT)
      From: Maximus Lyricus
      Subject: Letter to the Editor

      Editor, regarding Tiger Woods saying, “I’m not black…” I heard differently. Anyway, I have some white as well as Native American in my ancestry. But, rightly or wrongly (or just because it’s what I’m used to), I consider myself “black.” Like Saida said in her april 9th letter “Black is more than a color, it is an experience…”

      Now, if you dare to see what I really think about Tiger Woods, and others like him, go to racialosophy.com and read I’m Not Black, as well as some of the other essays from a black perspective.

      1. Editor: I’ve read your essay on Tiger before, but thanks for suggesting it. You called him a “pussy (cat)” for not identifying as “black.” The fact that you reverted into childish, misogynistic insults speaks volumes about you as a person. That tells me all I need to know.

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