The Metis Heritage of the Sizemore Family
…and the oft-mentioned Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees
an effort at rediscovery and reconnection
by Jason Adams
October/November 2001

Sally Sizemore and her husband William “Blackhawk” Sizemore.
The answer came out of a recent movement of mixed-ancestry people in this region who are reclaiming the epithet “Melungeon”. Gatherings have brought to to light a large number of Sizemore-related people who want to know who they are, and why they have been labeled so many things throughout history. Most have never really known what they were, other than a generic sense of being “Indian”. It was from this Melungeon movement that many of us discovered finally, some documentable proof of our mixed Indian/non-Indian heritage.
Being a mixed-Indigenous people, we do of course, have the right to self-identify as we choose. Having been exposed to the proof of our heritage, some of us recently have begun to identify as Metis once again. Additionally, this is a nation which seeks specifically to bring together the various Melungeon -type groups throughout the South. These groups, which would be encouraged to maintain their unique history within the nation, include Redbones, Brass Ankles, and Guineas. We who joined would like to share with you why we chose to do this, and encourage other Sizemore descendants who feel an affinity to this move, to join us.
For those unfamiliar with the term Metis, the word is defined as anyone of mixed ancestry that includes an Indian component. Usually, and in the Sizemore case in particular, it is the founding one. The term also describes people who cannot join federally recognized tribes for whatever reason. Although the term “Métis” is certainly French, and Métis is the term most often applied to Indian/French mixtures, it has also been applied, historically and in modern times, to anyone of mixed Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestry. Similarly, the plural French term Mélangeon has been used historically to describe us.
Sizemores have been called Melungeons and Cherokees at various points throughout history, but we chose to join the Metis because it presents us with the opportunity to be who we are. Sizemores who have joined the Metis are not “wannabe” Indians. As one Metis explained, to the contrary, we “havetobe” Metis because our ancestors did not register with the U.S. Government. As a result most of us are culturally white, and ancestrally Indian and European. We see ourselves as neither European or Indian but as a Metis people, of Indigenous origin. As you read, you will find that our Metis ancestors had good reason not to register with the White Government.
All Sizemore histories and old family photos of which I am aware share two things: a strong Native American heritage and a visibly Native American appeance. The three most likely tribes of origin are remnant tribes of the Powhatan Confederacy, the Creeks, the Catawbas, and at one point in our history, the Cherokee. I also know that Sizemores have been labeled “Melungeons” at various times throughout history, a testiment to our historical Metis heritage.
The presence of the Sizemore name at the British empire’s Jamestown colony, listing a “Portuguese-Jewish” indentured slave suggests an admixture of bloodlines that was not entirely Native. A few other Sizemores are said to have been Scots-Irish though I have not found evidence of this. Therefore, I would guess that most are the mixed-blood descendants of remnant tribes of the Powhatan – pronounced “poh-haw-tin” – which was a confederacy of many smaller tribes, and of Portugeuse, Jewish, English, Scottish and Irish indentured slaves. One Sizemore family tree shows direct descent from the Powhatan princess Matoaka (Pocahontas) and John Rolfe through the Bowling family, in six different family lines. I have my doubts as to whether we are descendants of Matoaka, as I think people generally like to be of some type of “royal” ancestry, but I strongly believe that this story is evidence that Sizemore Metis were founded and nurtured into existence by a number of different Powhatan women and their communities.
The Story of the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees
Whitetop Mountain, located at tristate VA, NC, TN border.
In the late 1830’s, Sizemores are said to have taken in Cherokees who escaped the Trail of Tears. This is the point at which many may have literally become Cherokee. Mom Feather, Chief Elder of the Southern Band of Cherokees informed me that Sizemore is a well-known Cherokee name and that the Sizemores and other Indian families in Eastern Kentucky were known as the Stick People. This name was given, according to legend because large piles of sticks high in the Appalachian ridges were used by Sizemores to hide large numbers of Cherokees who escaped the horrible Trail of Tears in the 1800’s. Evidently they later mixed with these Cherokees, which may have been the founding of the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees.
This legend is evidenced by the fact that many of our family stories and trees trace back to a 2,000 member “Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees”, which existed for at least a decade. The band was founded sixty years after the Trail of Tears, and nine years before the Eastern Band of Cherokees in 1905. The same number of Sizemores, 2,000, applied en masse for membership in the Eastern Band of Cherokees in the early 1900’s but were denied for various reasons. Those who made the decision to reject the Sizemore claims were clear in their statement that Sizemores were Indians, but since none of their ancestors had willingly registered in any Cherokee census, they were not accepted.
The multi-volume book series, Cherokee By Blood documents this story which appears to be the primary source of the “White Top Cherokee” oral tradition in our family. Vol 1 page 171 bears the testimony of Whitetop Chief William H. Blevins:
“The word ‘Chief’ in my application, means that I am chief of the White Top Band of Cherokee Indians, an organization of the principal Cherokee Indians living about White Top, and was perfected about ten years ago. We organized so as to demand our rights in a body. We thought we had not been getting them before. In 1896, we wanted to go to the Indian Territory, and organized for that purpose. When the band was first organized there were about 2175, I believe. They were all Sizemore descendants. No one else was allowed to become a member if it was known. I have read the Decree of the Supreme Court of the United States referred to in my application, and have it at home. My father, Armstrong Blevins, I do not think was a party to the treaty of 1836 and 1846. I am putting my own interpretation on the decree.”
(Thanks to our relation Bill Fields, editor of Under One Sky, the Melungeon information magazine for contributing this)
This documentation does not however, explain the later infusion of the word “Laurel” into our modern Sizemore family trees. But we do know that the Whitetop Laurel Creek runs off of Whitetop Mountain, and is a favorite recreational spot of fly fishermen and kayakers.
One claim for membership in the Eastern Band of Cherokees stated that Sizemores were their own tribe in and of themselves, known as “Sixemore” – probably due to the Whitetop membership requirement that one should be of Sizemore relation. Another said that “Old Ned” Sizemore came from the Catawba Nation, a claim that would not preclude his descendants from later becoming Cherokees, as Cherokees took in the remnants of many defeated bands and tribes.
Another family tradition in one of our lines says that the surname was created due to poor translation (or anglicization) of the Cherokee word “Esiyah”, which means literally “large child”. The name was given to a Cherokee man who was very good with children, and is reportedly found on the Dawes Rolls. The same family line is related to Sizemores in South-Central Ohio, near the town of Pedro, that still speak fluent Cherokee and take part in the traditional corn dance.
Some family trees indicate Whitetop Cherokee roots as early as the time of Cheif Redbird (whom Redbird Creek and the Redbird Mission is named after), George “All” Sizemore, Aggy Shepherd, Rhoda Sizemore, and “Old Ned” Edward Sizemore, all of who lived in the 1800’s in Leslie, Maggofin and Clay County, Kentucky. These Sizemores migrated from Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina prior to this time, and many lived in the Whitetop Mountain border area of Virginia/North Carolina. But for the most part the time period in which they lived does not coincide with the stated lifespan of the Whitetop band.
Following is an excerpt from an article on the George All Sizemore and Aggy Shepard connection to the Creeks and the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees. <BR
“The marriage of George “ALL” Sizemore to Aggy Shepard originated from a raid of Indiams on the white mans camp where they captured a white girl. In retaliation, the white men followed and rescued the girl and captured an Indian girl who was later given to a white family to raise (Aggy). Aggy is thought to have been a Creek Indian. George lived in both the white man’s world, and the Whitetop Cherokee tribe throughout his life.”
“The Indian Chief for whom Red Bird Creek in Clay County was named is known as member of the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees from North Carolina. He was a great hunter and allured by the game in this remote region. He finally took up residence on the creek that bears his name at the mouth of Jacks Creek in this county. He came to his death by the abarice of the “pale face”. There lived with him a crippled Indian named Willie. This man dressed the skins which Red Bird brought to their wigwam and looked after the culinary department of their house. Some hunters from North Carolina, greedy and unscrupulous, came to the wigwam and murdered Willie. Then they secreted themselves and awaited the return of the brave chief who had long before buried his tomahawk and for years had been living in peace with the white man, and as he approached his crude castle the bullet of an assasin laid him in the dust. They threw his body into a hole of water nearby which is still called “Willie Hole”, and from which John Gilbert and others took him and buried him. One tradition is that he was sitting on the bank of a creek fishing when he was shot and that he fell into the creek.”
(Reprinted in Kentucky Explorer, Volume 11, March 1997. Recorded in the 1870s.)
Identifying as Metis

Sizemores also live(d) near Sneedville, TN; Wise, VA; and Hyden/Stinnett, KY
In their testimony to join the Eastern Band of Cherokees, Sizemores said that they were of Indian blood. But either not of what particular tribe, or of tribes that were not Cherokee. A census of the Creek Nation of 1832 shows a Sam Sizemore as full blooded Creek, and one woman has told me that after Sizemores were rejected from the Cherokee, they applied to join the Creek and were accepted – how many I am not sure. At some point a group of Creeks named Sizemore were dislocated into the region of South Florida, where some Sizemores still live today. Another claims that “Old Ned” Sizemore came from the Catawba reservation. But most of our Sizemore ancestors are not found on many of the old Indian census rolls. It appears that Sizemores had Indian blood from several different tribes, as well as European blood. This of course could have made it harder to be accepted in any one tribe, not to mention among the “white” community.
This variability could mean many things, but given the simultaneous movement of Sizemores, and intermarriage with Melungeon communities around Sneedville, TN; Hyden, KY; and Wise, VA. I would guess it meant they had been labeled Melungeons in the past by census takers, had self-sufficient, prosperous farms stolen as a result and therefore avoided censuses.
Sizemore descendants decided to identify as Metis once again because we are tired of being what we are not: white. We don’t wannabe anything, just what we actually are and that is mixed, or Metis. We chose that path because we see alot of possibility in being considered a Metis citizen. The biggest possibility is that we will have a greater degree of self-determination for ourselves and our descendants as a result. If you are a Sizemore descendant, or any person of mixed ancestry that includes an Indigenous component, I would encourage you to reconnect with your Metis roots. Another good group of folks that Sizemore descendants would want to hook up with are the Melungeons. Personally, I see Melungeons as the southern Appalachian version of the Metis, a story that played itself out all over the Americas. The Melungeons hold a national gathering bi-annually in Wise, Virginia on the campus of the University of Virginia at Wise. When I attended in May 2000, I met dozens of Sizemore descendants looking to recconect with their ancestry. The Melungeon websites are also linked below.
Metis Nation, Sizemore, and Other Links
Sizemore sites on the Web
- Descendants of William Sizemore (Whitetop Laurel)
- “Indian Ned Sizemore-The Legend”
Metis Nations of Interest
- Metis Nation of the South
- The Other Metis
- Wolf Band of the Metis Nation
- (Canadian) Metis National Council
Other Mixed-Ancestry Peoples
- A Melungeon Homepage
- Melungeon Youth of Appalachia
- Melungeon Heritage Association
- Louisiana Redbones
Indian Nations of Interest
- Southern Band of the Cherokees
- Chicora-Waccamaw
- Yosemite Valley Miwok / Mountain Maidu
- Monacan Nation
Also by Jason Adams
- The Multiracial Activist – Self-Determination on the Paleface Reservation
- Jason Adams’ Home Page
Copyright © 2001 Jason Adams. Reprinted here by kind permission of the author. All rights reserved.
My grandmother was a Sisemore, Bertha Mae Sisemore Teague. Are the Sisemore the same as Sizemore?
Bertha Mae was a relative of mine…
Bertha Mae Sisemore (1899 – 1981)
wife of 5th cousin 3x removed
William H. “Bill” Teague (1884 – 1958)
husband of Bertha Mae Sisemore
John Calvin Teague (1841 – 1914)
father of William H. “Bill” Teague
Aquilla Teague (1814 – )
father of John Calvin Teague
Jacob Teague (1768 – 1839)
father of Aquilla Teague
Abraham Teague Sr (1745 – 1795)
father of Jacob Teague
Moses Teague Sr (1718 – 1799)
father of Abraham Teague Sr
William Abel Teague Sr (1695 – 1762)
father of Moses Teague Sr
Joshua I. Teague (1732 – 1804)
son of William Abel Teague Sr
William James Teague (1761 – 1848)
son of Joshua I. Teague
John Carter Teague (1786 – 1873)
son of William James Teague
Henry M. Teague (1824 – )
son of John Carter Teague
James Joseph Teague (1861 – 1928)
son of Henry M. Teague
James Henry Teague (1895 – 1974)
son of James Joseph Teague
Raymond ‘Ray’ Linberg\Linburg Teague (1928 – 2007)
son of James Henry Teague
David Eugene Teague (1954 – )
son of Raymond ‘Ray’ Linberg\Linburg Teague
Andrea Teague
You are the daughter of David Eugene Teague
My grandfather is a Sizemore and his related to this family
Kimberly, Is your grandfather John.D Sizemore of Memphis?
Hi Kimberly! I am a direct descendent of Ned Sizemore! I would love to be a part of this tribe
My grandfather is Fred Sizemore from West Virginia . My family tree has George of All and Ned linked directly to my line if descendants . I grt asked all the time if I am native even though I have dirty blonde hair . I am 62 now and my father used to tel me stories of being iraqoie and Cherokee but at such a young age I didn’t understand . I thought you could only be one or the other. Now I understand and have researched the trail of tears and what actually happened to so many tribes during that time. I have seen the chief in my dreams and feel he is one of my gaurdian angels. Our look is much different than the western native . We have high check bones small eyes large lips a narrow long face with long forehead and long nose . We have long legs . Long arms – a shorter torso but sort of hollow area at chest . Even if your a women you have the hallow . We are physically strong and can endure allot of suffering before we cave in if we ever do . In other words , we have endurance that lasts and lasts . We also have larger hands . I am very proud if my heritage and I appreciate you doing this as it drives me crazy thst ancestry and 23 and me won’t recognize your native heritage by blood even though it is clearly seen in the dna connections . Thank you for your work on this project . How do I join ?
Because we aren’t ” Indians “. We are Jews !
Marfan Syndrome is a RARE: genetically-inherited Disorder. Many Melungeons and Appalachian peoples have it. It is also rampant amongst Ancient: Messianic Jewish in America (Book of: “Acts” 1st followers of Yeshua Hamasheiach-New Testament Peoples).
The National Organisation for Rare Disorders (NORD) explains the symptoms of: the Rare genetic condition of these: mixed blood peoples, at:
I’m a descendent with these genetic attributes/symptoms, & a NORD Volunteer and Rare Disease Population Advocate, in my nation and community. Be encouraged to learn more about: genetic collagen disorders, like: Marfan Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & Lloeys Dietz Syndrome. Many co-morbidities (disorders/diseases that accompany a main condition) affect the Rare Disease Population, & genetic collagen disorder patients.
My grandmothers maiden name was Betty Lee Sizemore.
awesome story,i myself,am also a direct descendant of ned sizemore,your description of body shape is on point,thank you for your imput
In the white man’s eyes I’m just considered an African American woman but every single grandparent of mine comes from a mixed race background. It’s wierd how with ancestry every time they do an update you can become less and less of what you may have been as for your DNA results that one percent indigenous went away so did my sewden, Denmark ect. Yet I’m also a decentanted of the Sizemore family. John Henderson Sizemore is my 4th cousin 5x removed so him I share share 3rd greatgrand’s. I only recently found this out so I’m now going to be doing research on my on the grandparent’s that connects John and I as 4th cousins
Which Ned? Mine is George “of All” & Aggie’s son Edward (Ned).
My name is Lavador Sizemore I was told by my father we are related to George all Sizemore! Very interesting!!
My dad told me we were related to George all Sizemore it has always interested me!
I too am a descendent of George “of All” and Aggie’s son Edward (Ned). He and Martha “Patty” Fields, and their son Issac Newton Fields. I have been trying for years to find this connection and only recently found the link I needed to confirm relationship with George All! Martha “Patty” chose to keep her maiden name of “Fields”, but we are Sizemores! Our family stories match those of so many of the Sizemores about Ned and Patty. I am so excited with my family!
I am a dependent of Ephraim Sizemore and Ned Sizemore Nancy Sizemore and Naomi Richie I am kin to the Sizemores down thru the line I looked up whitetop mountain interested in becoming a part of the community please reach out for info much appreciated
no clyde v sizemore from kentcky
So my father is Robert Arthelle Sizemore I’m not sure where he’s from originally but is he related
My grandfather too was also a Sizemore. I can’t find ANY records prior to his father. NC/SC border.
My grandfather was Clyde v Sizemore from Kentucky
Yes we are baby girl we’re all related in one way or another the sizemores were Cherokee Indians
My Grandmother is a Sizemore with lineage direct to Chief Red Bird and Ned.
Ned is one of my great grandfathers. I just traced my ancestry back to him. I’m amazed!
My grandfather was Robert Lee Sizemore of Pocahontas County West Virginia. He and all his sons had features that definitely identified them as Melungeon or Métis. I’d love to join the group and learn more.
Sizemore *
O am the daughter of Keith erotic Luther sizemore jr.,grand daughter of keither luther Sizemore was raised in haysi va.can my daily be traced,all of my aunts looked like full blooded indians,my dad looked like an indian
Okay, I never understood why Mama, Bettie Sue Sizemore, born 1932, died 2020, told me when I was little in the 70’s not to tell people I was Indian…. now I do, it was passed down to her to not tell… we passed for white though.
Yes it has various spellings, Sysemore, Sizemore, syzemore….Sizemore
Thanks for clarifying the name Sizemore & its varibles.
I’ve found many interesting things about the Old Ned Sizemore
line which I’m a descendant of.
Bina Leroy Sizemore was my grandfather and I am wanting to find out what Indian blood he had
If this is my cousin, Patsy Bailey of West Point, MS….I am Ann Butler . My great Aunt, Carey was a SIZEMORE married Bob Bailey had 3 kids.. My mother was a SIZEMORE . Glennis Marie Butler.
From what I have been told, Sizemore married an Cherokee Indian girl. She was not on the census because her father, disowned her, for marrying a white man..
If you are my cousin, remember my UNCLE TOMMY SIZEMORE??? He was FLOY OR FLOYDs son, moms brother.
try me at i no longer use facebook
My grandfather was Daniel Hubert Sizemore son of George Washington Sizemore
George All Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd are my 5th great-grandpatents. I have connected with MANY Sizemore cousins and match DNA with them.
cool !
my moms maiden name is SIZEMORE
from Clay County , MS But, I think FLOY SIZEMORE, who father my grandfather, Floyd SIZEMORE, was from Tennessee or ALABAMA right on the boarder area..
One of the SIZEMORES I was told, established the University of Alabama..
i remember the old folks saying there were three brothers.
also, told at least one, maybe two, of the SIZEMOREs were captured in Portugal and held as slaves until they escaped
I’m a Sizemore and I have no non-European DNA
We are descended from James Blevins. Elizabeth Ward who is supposed to be a sizemore on one ggmas side and enola enoli Blackfoc on GPA side one if my sisters has elos danlos I know that’s not the way it’s spelled but it’s OK. I was wondering does anyone have an ides if hema chromatosis would be in this line also
This is a picture of my great grandfather William Bill Hawk Sizemore and his wife.
I was told I’m part of the seahawk sizemore tribe. Do you know anything about this tribe.
I am Dellia Smith Sizemore my Grandfather was Ephform Sizemore marred to Pearl Smith Sizrmore . Grandmother was quarter Indian . WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO POST THAT PICTURE . I HAVE A PICTURE OF MY GRANDFATHER AND GRANDMOTHER I WILL SEND TO YOU IF YOU WOULD LIKE. IT IS VERY GOOD.
Delia Smith, my name is Debra Williams…I am a direct descendant of Ephraim Sizemore….I would love to see your photos.
I’m from Ephraim too. Father of – Russel Sizemore – Nioma Sizemore – Marvia Tilson
Mr sizemore I’m the internal grandson of the old sizemore was born race and Clay county Kentucky in the late 1800s all old man sizemore with the Indian chief of the old tribe call Black Saxon Fox tribe from Oklahoma his parents was the members of the rental tribe escape the 12 tears in 1850s to 1830s we got evidence approved on state federal documentation records if you want a contact me come and see me in person do so I’m your maternal grandsons fathers grandfather’s son I’m the last me and my mom is the last airs to your family family tree chart I’m the town grandson my grandma passed away years ago 6 years ago was a member of the family of the the sizemors and the ashers families are great descendants to your grandfather’s people my number is 937 509-2930 please call me and write me a letter in the mail 287 Forest avenue Seaman Ohio 45679 please come and see me I’m your last error to your family name I got all good documentation records you need look for thank you Frank you for keeping our families alive today
Hi Danny, I couldn’t help but notice the Sizemore / Asher comment. I too am related to them. I got your number and will hopefully contact you real soon. Excited to see your post. Thank you!
That number is someone else’s number now. Do you have an email or good number? I’m a Sizemore descendant. I’m looking for documnetation.
would like to see picture
I was told years ago that the Sizemore’s had a feud and split up. Half kept the name Sizemore and the others went to Sisemore’s. Don’t know how true that is, but I would like to know. I know of the men on my Dad’s side are William Whealer Sisemore, William Honest Sisemore, William Benjiman Sisemore, Clarence William Sisemore, myself (William Jeff Sisemore), and then my son (William Zachery Sisemore)
no.. the change in sizemore name most likely came from typo… many could not read or spell correctly or misspelled it. We know this because THEIR ancestors prior to Geoge all linked to London, where is it spelled sizemore on gave plots in and the st katherines church registry..
The family that went with Sisemore usually are in the western part of the US.
I met Elaine Sisemore in Crestone, CO.
She owns the only grocery store and hardware store in Crestone and is also an attorney at law.
Her family moved there during the gold rush years in the 1874 to 1904.
The local graveyard has many Sisemore tombstones starting in the late 18oo’s.
I lived in Crestone from 2013 to 2017.
Thank you for this! I am a descendant of Lewis Level Sizemore and enjoyed the read cousin!
Hello cousin!
I Heard the same thing. that the Sizemore & Shepherds had a feud and the Sizemore had a feud with other Sizemore. i asked my grandmother what the feud was about with the Sizemore and Shepherds and she said that apparently the Shepherds stole a family recipe of moonshine from the Sizemore and were using their brand. As far as the other feud with Sizemore versus Sizemore my grandmother also told me that there was a lot of confusion about Identity. so some say that the Sizemore started as Cherokee and the other Sizemore did not agree. they believe Cherokee was down later down the line. some hated the fact that Chief Blevin made the Whitetop Cherokee Tribe. when that happened it caused a great feud and the family split. the Sizemore feud was because of the Whitetop Cherokee Tribe. and the Shepard & Sizemore feued was because of a Stolen Family Receipt Of Moonshine.
I’ve been told since I was young about the feud. Got a lot of work done would love to share some evidence about the feud.
You may want to look at the Catawba connection again thru the Saponis of NC and Virginia. I believe Ned Sizemore was born in Mecklenburg County Va and later lived in Pittsylvania County, Va both Saponi, Tutelo and Occaneechi homelands. My family is tied to the Occaneechi Band of Saponis located in Alamance, Orange and Caswell Counties NC. There were mulatto Sizemores that lived in both Pittsylvania and Orange counties in the 1700’s and my Jackson line seems to have intermarried with the Pittsylvania County Sizemores. Some of our Saponi Guy family also moved west to Macon County, NC and applied to the Cherokee nation who denied thier claims based on they thought they were Catawba. The Catawba and Saponi Nations were allied tribes who spoke the same dialect and related to one another. When the reservation at Fort Christanna was closed down in Brunswick County, Va many of the Saponi families moved south to live among their cousins before moving back into Virginia.
My great Grandmother is Martha Sizemore Keener and I am trying to locate all the Sizemore s since we are blood and would live to know more if you will email me so we can talk my name is James Lyons and I am from the Potato bear clan. May our ancestors Rome freely on their horses in the open sky
My father and grandparents are sizemore and from maconcounty nc and Swain county James sizemore is my grandfather my balis sizemore I’m try to find more information about native side family thanks
I’m am also a descendants of the Sizemore and Jackson family lines Elizabeth Rachel Jackson Sizemore is my 3rd cousin 6x removed I only found out this information just recently so I must do some research to determine the GG grandparents she and I shared.
My grandmother was a Sizemore from clay county Kentucky married to Daniel jackson my dad was born at the redbird mission could you help me with any information about my family.
I’m related to the sizemores form clay county ky, dont knwo any first names other than my grandfather Kenneth short, his mother’s maiden name was sizemore. He was from Clay county. He was married to a Ellen short I don’t ahve am ancestory account or I would type everything in. We have Dutch and Cherokee blood.
I’m also from Clay county Kentucky. My grandfather was Carlo Sisemore married to Alie Jackson.
Hi; my father; Martin Sizemore went to that school. My Grandmother was Alie Jackson; married Carlo Sizemore; they lived in Ashers Fork, Kentucky; Clay County:
I’m attempting to build a history of my lineage for my 76 year old father, Walter Sizemore. If anyone has information, please share. We are from Wyoming county, WB
Please call me my grandmother is Florence May Sizemore she and her family are from Wyoming County West Virginia. Delores 407 715 7500 Thanks
I am related to the Sizemore family in Wyoming County, WV via marriage to Barney Lee Whaling. We have reunions in Summersville, WV in August each year. y name is Barb Skidmore and phone: 423-371-0334.
Barb Skidmore please send me information ℹ️ n the next reunion of Sizemore relatives. I’m a direct descendant of Ned Sizemore also.
The annual gathering of the Tribe Of The Whitetop is in Abingdon, VA in July of 2022.
We will travel to Whitetop Mountain and then have the tribal meeting is on July, 30 in Abingdon.
I’m with the Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia, located in Abingdon. We’d be interested in more information about your history in Washington County (which at one time was most of Southwest Virginia as well as Kentucky before it became a state) and your gathering at Whitetop.
My grandfather was Frank Sizemore also from Wyoming County..i can remember my dad talking about his aunt Florie…we may be kin…
Hello Martha
My grandmother was Florence Mae Sizemore from Wyoming County WV. She married Edward Lockhart and my father was Edward Lockhart Jr.
My grandmother name florie sizemore she was my dad’s mom I was told
Hi Martha,
My grandmother was Florence Mae Sizemore from Wyoming County WV. My mother was Beulah Lockhart.
Hello Delores
I believe we are first counsins. My grandmother was Florence Mae Sizemore.
It has been a long time.
Brenda Lockhart Harris
Hello Brenda,
We are first cousins.
And ned and george were from vir… and traveled to NC… then went to ky later
My 3rd great grandma was Rachel Sizemore, daughter of Goldenhawk, she married Anderson Hayes in Kentucky.
That was my great great great grandmother all so but my grand father was sizemore! Cecial which I think his is Saul or solumen! I don’t know much about his family?
There is information on the Sizemore family at Dan Mohn’s Highland HomePage: I am descended from Edward (Ned) Sizemore , born 1775, son of George Edward Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd. Ned and Martha Fields had one child, between last 2 children with wife Louanna Bowling. Some Sizemore family information says their child was Isaac Newton Fields Sizemore. However, his last name was just Fields. That is why I am a Fields, not a Sizemore. Ned was my great, great grandfather, Leroy Wilson Fields, my great grandfather, and Ambrose Jackson Fields, my grandfather.
I am so interested!
My 2nd great grandmother was Rebecca Ann Sizemore (Cruse). Daughter of William Sizemore and Unity Canady (Sizemore)..
That was on my father’s mothers side.
They lived in Tennesee and Kentucky, then much later settled around Carterville Illinois.
But on my mothers side her father was a Fields, and that part of the family claimed to have a Cherokee grandmother. They did all indeed have a very handsome swarthy appearance.
However Ancestry did not pick up any N/A DNA in my DNA. Which is odd.
The names Fields and Sizemore are common names but the coincidence of claiming a Cherokee grandma or great grandma and having a common Cherokee surname such as Fields is too much of a coincidence.
I wish I could find out!
I know it was a long time ago, but we would like to know.
Anyone know much?
Ellerson Sizemore
George Sizemore married Agnes Shepard
Had a son Edward
Edward Sizemore married Lucinda (Louanna) Bowling
Had a son Ephraim
Ephraim Sizemore married Naomi Ritchie
Had a son Russell Sizemore
Russell married Mary Ann Sparks
Had a daughter Naomi
Naomi married Robert Tilson
Had a daughter Marvia
Marvia married Percey Mckone
Had a daughter Yvonne
Yvonne married Michael winters
Who had a daughter Leslie
Leslie married Bob Tompkins
Who had a daughter Joanne
I am Joanne
George and Agnes also had a son named Henry Sizemore
Henry Sizemore married Rachel Jones and had a bunch of children including Taylor Sizemore
Taylor Sizemore married Nancy Jane Murphy and had a few children including Adiniram Sizemore
Adiniram Sizemore married Almedia Marcum and had a bunch of children including Dewey S. Sizemore
Dewey S. Sizemore married Stella Littrell and had a few children including Joyce Sizemore
Joyce Sizemore married Homer Harris and had 5 children including Bill Harris
Bill Harris married Eugenia Bachmann and had two daughters. Me and my sister. :)
Your dad and I were cousins also through Elerson Fields
sizemore. would love to know more that you know. My dad was Eugene Leander Fields. Dad always said he was Indian and i took him to the Cherokee Nation .
maybe Chief Richard Fields, Cherokee?
Hello I have Fields ancestors, were your Native American Field’s ancestors, Davis Stephen Fields and Abigail Creech Fields, she is supposed to be Cherokee from the Bats Mountain, North Carolina And also Fannie May I have these in my line.
Sue, I am also a Fields and have the same family lore as you about a Cherokee grandmother. That grandmother is Aggy Shepherd married to George “All” Sizemore (1750-1856). It is told that Aggy was full blooded Indian who was raised by a white family named Cornett, and married George All Sizemore.
One of their sons was Edward B. “Ned” Sizemore (1788-1866). “Ned” had several wives including Louanna Bowling and Martha “Patty” Fields(1782-1877). Our family lore told us that “Ned” and “Patty” had never married, however, the Sizemore lore tells the story that they were married in an Indian village. Ned built a house and left to do business and when he didnt come back, “Patty” sent another Indian to find out why. The Indian came back to tell her that he had died. So “Patty” returned to her father’s home and never remarried. She gave birth to a son, Issac Newton Fields (1808-1887 , thus all her decendents are “Fields”. Issac, my gg grandfather, married Alcey Day (1810-1888) and they had 16 children, of which 9 were boys. So you and I share the same grandfather. Mine was Crocket Martin and yours would be him or one of his brothers: Felix, John Moses, Matthew C, Robert Hiram, Leroy W (Bud), Ambrose, Josephe, or William Henry(Hen) . I hope this helps you to know more about your lineage. if you have any questions you can reply to this post!
I’m connected and could use more help thank you
Hey Sarah. I think we are cousins. My grandmother was a Betty Fields. We are decendants of William Lemuel Sizemore/Fields who was grandson of old Ned Sizemore and son of George “cheif all” Sizemore. My grandmothers decends from Ellerslie Fields born Hawkins County, TN in 1820 amd died in Onaga, Ks.
I am also from this same line. I am trying to gather as much info as possible. My email is if you’d like to share info.
We are related. I am descended from Lewis (Lucinda’s son) and have dna tested with many Fields from your line. You are absolutely from Ned Sizemore.
My maternal Grandfather was James Claude Sizemore whom died when I was 5 y/o in 1965. He was in his 80’s at his death. Married to my Grandmother, 20 years younger, Della Wagnon Sizemore who lived in Gadsden, AL know had black slaves because my mother told me stories of them sleeping in kitchen floor in winter also had Indian lineage, Cherokee and Navajo. I would love know more of my heritage. I feel like the Sizemore women were cursed somewhere down the line between mother and daughter, which is another story, but I would love to find out
How could Debra Walker O’Briens’ grandfather have slaves ? If he died in 1965 and he was in his 80’s,slavery was long abolished when he was even born. Perhaps they were employed by him instead.
I am in the Sizemore family. My grandpa was James Matt Sizemore from Leslie County Kentucky. I am interested in hearing about the Sizemore women’s curse.
My grand father was bear sizemore or lodge sizemore of forked mouth Perry county KY and more sizemores my grand father was full blooded Cherokee Indian
I feel that I am sentient
Does anyone know of Nellie Sizemore–[1903]–William Haggard Horn—Chaney[china] Sizemore–lula waas–all of Beattyville ky.[all deceased] or any Indian Heritage ??????Or Florence [Horn?]–or- Sizemore–possibly daughter of Nellie Sizemore ?????Interested in the possible Indian Heritage..Thanks…..
I am trying to find information on my great grandfather James Henry Sizemore of Upstate South Carolina. I can find nothing on my family prior to him. He was born on June 26, 1889
I would like to talk to someone about my family heritage. I will not post on here what is written in our family Bibles. My uncle is close to 80 and he can remember going to Kentucky in the 1950s to visit his Sizemore relatives. I need someone that I can trust to tell our story to.
I would love to hear the stories. I am a descendant of George and Aggy. My family has told me nothing about this history, I don’t even know if they know about it. I found out by digging into my genealogy. My email address is
I would love to connect!
If I’m correct, my lineage is George All Sizemore -> Henry Hunting Shirt Sizemore -> Taylor Sizemore -> Hiram Adiniram Sizemore -> Leo Frances Tecumseh Sizemore -> Linda Lee Sizemore (now Glover). We live in northern KY.
My email is
Adiniram is my great great grandfather. His son Dewey is my great grandfather which would be Leo’s brother. I believe that you and I are more closely related, I am Joyce and Homer’s granddaughter.
I would love to hear family stories. George and Aggie are my 6th great grandparents. My grandmother was born in Kentucky, but moved as a child. I know I’m 4 years late, but if you ever see this comment, please email me!
I believe these are great grandparents of mine not sure how many greats probably 6 maybe five
You can email me at I’d be glad to assist if I have any information to help you. Would love to hear and possibly share. Stay blessed.
We are trying to see if we have a Cherokee descendant. Julius E. Sizemore from around Waycross, Ga. is my grandfather. Can anyone help us?
James B Blevins and Lydia Sizemore are my 4g grandparents.
Your article was very interesting i have been researching my family for a while now. Thanks for sharing the information.
James & Lydia are my g-parents 4 generations back.
Order is:
Armstrong Blevins
William Harrison Blevins
Robert Franklin Blevins
Minerva Ruth Blevins Martin
Brenda Jayne Martin Wampler
James and Lydia are in my lineage as well. I think they were my 5th or 6th great grandparents. I am descended from Ned Sizemore as well. I live in Whitetop, VA where many of the descendants still reside. The Sizemore’s and Blevins’s lived in these mountains before they were ever timbered or settled by other Europeans. Our Native American ancestors helped us survive the harsh mountain conditions up here. And our white ancestors helped them escape the trail of tears. It’s my understanding that we were the only ones who lived here for many years. Before Daniel Boone, before the railroad, before roads, period. I imagine it would’ve been something to see before the lumber companies destroyed it.
My name is Jerry Ann Spencer My Grandmother was Margaret Alice Little Spencer. Her father was William Harrison Blevins her Mother Rachel little Blevins Her Grandfather Armstrong Blevins. My Father Ford Smith Spencer was born in White Top VA in 1924 . The Spencer Family homestead was in Mud Creek on the border of VA & NC .
I am from George All Sizemore and Aggie Shepard line they are from my Mothers lintage she was a. Nemah Ruth Rucks her mother was Sarah Talitha Josephine Nott, they called her Lyda she is burried in Telliquah OK, in a native American grave yard next to Chief sixkiller. Please contact me.
George and Agnes are in my line as well!
I messed up Aggie was Corrnet not Shepard.
Corrnet was her white given name, from the family that raised her. Shepherd is a European interpretation of her indigenous name that she claimed when she older.
Im related down the line to aggie and george sizemore there my 10 great grandparent and 6 great grandparent it kind of weird
My Great Grandma is Rhoda E Sizemore (Lowe). She married my great grandfather Robert S Lowe and they had a son Clayde Lowe and lived in Arkansas for a while thru the 1910 Census. At that time I know she was born in 1859 in Georgia and he was born in 1852 in Crawford Oklahoma and died before the 1920 census cuz it shows Rhoda as a widow. I know Robert S Lowe’s Parents where born in Tennessee and Rhoda’s where born in North Carolina but that is all I know. I am doing a lot of research but have hit a road block at this info. If anyone can help me please let me know.
I forgot to put that Rhoda Evaline Sizemores Father was Allen Grant Sizemore and I found in the Application of the 5 tribes questioning that she said her mother was a woman named Melinda but have found no evidence. I know he married twice a Sally and a Sarah unsure of the last names, I believe Horton. I also believe he had 9 kids with these 2 women but unsure if they are with just these women or with other women also. I found that his father was Richard L. Sizemore and his mother was Elizabeth Ann Forester.
If anyone has any info Please let me know. My email is
This picture is of William Bill Hawk Sizemore & Sarah Sally Jacobs Sizemore. This picture hung in my grandmother Nebraska Sizemore Wallen’s house of her parents. Sarah also went by Sal Hawk. My dad said she was mean as a blacksnake. She would spank or pinch the kids when they walked past.
My grandma mother Minnie uli? Tompson married ( a Wallace) had children named pearl,edea , Julia ,Miller she lived in Damascus Minnie died when grand was3
In investigating my ancestors, I’m seeing DNA matches with Fields, Day, Masterson, and Sizemore. My maternal grandfather was Claud Fields. His parents are Leroy W. Fields and Katie Masterson.
I saw that the Sizemores have taken DNA test as well. Is there a way to compare my DNA with theirs? Where did they do theirs?
Any info would be appreciated.
I recently received my DNA results through and found I’m a descendent of George and Aggie Sizemore. No one had ever spoken of any Native American heritage on that side of the family. I’m fascinated and thrilled and trying to find out all I can about this branch of my family! Any information, facts or stories you can share would be greatly appreciated!
I’m also from this line based on birth and marriage records. I need to do the DNA test. You did yours through
Looking for information on my lineage.
George Edward Sizemore had a daughter Mary Alice Sizemore Slone, Mother of Shadrack Hall Slone, father William B (Jawbone) Slone, father of Shadrack Slone also called Fiddler Shade Slone, Father of James B. (Jimbo) Slone, Father of Shade Slone 1880.
Any info before George or after Shade Slone would be appreciated.
I’m also a descendant of George Edward. Very confusing since he had brothers named George All and Edward!!!!
I recently found this link with that information. Not sure how accurate, but noteworthy
If that doesn’t work, I searched Edward Ned Sizemore. Good luck.
Hello ,
I am a great granddaughter of ( Old Ned Sizemore )
Thank you for the fascinating article .
I am as well!
Old Ned was my GGGG Grandfather. I am Allan Dale Sizemore, father Clyde Dale Sizemore, Grandfather Samuel David Sizemore (all born in Trout Valley WV at the foot of Cold Knob, Greenbrier County). GGrandfather Henry Martin Sizemore (Webster Springs Wv) GGGrand Tobias Sizemore (Ashe Co. NC) GGGGrand Edward(Ned) GGGGGrand Edward “Old Ned” Sizemore. I named my son Tobias Dale Sizemore. We’ve known of our melungeon and indian heritage since I can remember. Can we be designated as a minority (non Caucasian)? Thanks for this article. Great read.
I am also from that line. And I’m also wondering what we can do about being a acknowledged as Native American Indians.
Wow, I was raised in Webster Springs so your Henry Sizemore infor caught my eye. My lineage research from Old Ned didn’t include Henry
but I’m curious how my Crouse,Miles, Baldwin families may have known his.
I am a descendent of Russell Sizemore who was my Great Great Grandfather on my Mothers side but also on my Fathers side as a Collins from Wise Cty. Virginia and Sneedville Tennessee. Descend from the Melungeons. I am curious Russell Sizemore states he was the Son of Chief Redbird and I have heard the story of our relatives being marched on the trail of tears but running away and hiding and being taken in by Sizemores and am wondering if this could be true. My Great Grandmother was Lucinda Sizemore of Hyden and Leslie County Ky. And this was told to my Grandmother as a child. Am looking for others who may be related.
Yes I am, I just discovered that my maternal grandfather, Arnold Young’s mother is Lula Herd, Chief Russell Buck Sizemore is her father and I am the 4th Great Granddaughter of Chief Red Bird, (3rd GGD of Buck Sizemore).
Ancestry DNA results and family tree.
I was adopted. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Nancy Hope White Feather
My grandmother is a woman named Betty Fields. She and I decendand from Old Ned Sizemore 1725-1790, George “Cheif All” Sizemore 1750-1822, William Lemuel Sizemore/Fields which became Fields in 1812. Born 1778 Hawkins County, TN. Then my 3rd great grandfather Elerson Fields born 1820 in Hawkins County, TN but died in Onaga, Ks 1890. My grandmother was always very adamant her family was Cherokee but she never knew this melungeon part of the story. She was born and raised in Oklahoma, so we didn’t know this family history was from Tennessee. Her brothers and sister are very dark skinned and look almost Greek or gypsy. My dad and brother looked like that as well. I was blondish like my Scandinavian Mother. Anyone know why they changed the surname to Fields which I guess is also a common melungeon name from Hawkins County. What a trip this DNA family tree search has been.
Ned and George are also in my line!
Betty being your gandmother was my Aunt,, my dad was he brother. would love to here from you.
Juanita Fields
Ray Perkins
We came by the surname Fields from Jedidah Fields which he children had to go by here maiden name because they came out of wedlock through William Sizemore born 1773. When Williams wife passed Jedidah’s children wished for the to marry. without looking I believe it was 1850 when they married. Through Uncle Wilber Fields , telephone visit with him , Jedidiah never married, until she was united in marriage with the children’s father.
Susanna Sizemore 1832 – 1894 was my third great grandmother. I was identified as a Melungeon on a tribal DNA test I took years ago. I did not know I was a Sizemore until I did my tree on ancestry. Ancestry is the only DNA test that does not acknowledge my Native American heritage. Gedmatch does as do three other tests I have taken. I have mentioned this to them but I get no response. Great article and I’m super thrilled with our heritage!
My father was African American last name Sizemore descendent of SC African American land owner
Yes I am, I just discovered that my maternal grandfather, Arnold Young’s mother is Lula Herd, Chief Russell Buck Sizemore is her father and I am the 4th Great Granddaughter of Chief Red Bird, (3rd GGD of Buck Sizemore).
Ancestry DNA results and family tree.
I was adopted. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Nancy Hope White Feather
Hello cousin
I am trying to find my indian heritage on the gibbs side .does anyone have any info to help me they were listed as black in early cenus then mullato in next clay county cenus my grandmother was flora gibbs her father was john gibbs her mother was ellen Thomas
My great grandfather Daniel Sisemore who changed it legally to Sizemore was the grandson of Andrew Jackson Sizemore who was the great grandson of George “of All” Sisemore. I’ve seen George as both Sisemore and Sizemore so like the rest of us I’m not sure what was going on with the spelling way back then.
My 5th great Grandmother was Frankie Arm, said to be the daughter of Robert Arms, aka Chief Running Bear. No idea how true the chief thing is. She married John Sizemore and I can track from there all the way to my self. My grandfather was Harrison Sizemore.
I am so confused, I was looking online to find some info on my Great-Grandmother, Mary Margaret Bowers, and found a document where she applied to the Guion Miller role on the basis of the “Sizemore case”??? I don’t know what this is. can someone help me?
My name is David Wiley Sizemore my father and grandfather’s name is Wiley Sizemore both were from Kentucky I’m unsure where but if could provide any insight into my family roots please email me at thanks.
I’m a decent of “Red Ned” in Clay and Leslie Country, KY. I’m not sure the true name of the river that flows below Sizemore Rock in Bear Branch, KY. I was a generation removed, but we call it the Laurel River.
That would be redbird river.
I think I might know Wiley Sizemore. I am Gibson and sizemore grew up head of rockhouse in leslie county ky.
My great great grandmother
WAS Sues “”COLD FOOT”” Sizemore .
So many comments here confirm my family’s stories. My grandfather was Burchel Sizemore. My grandmother was Oda Roberts, Leslie/Clay Counties. My grandmother had no birth certificate and she was hidden from the census, so she could have a chance at being considered “white” if she married right. I can’t believe I said that in, almost, 2020.
I’m thrilled to find my family here. I’m tearful seeing my great and great-great grandfather’s names and realizing that we’ve all been confused of where we are from and who we are. Yet I’m so excited we can find each other here. I’m so proud of who each of us have become.
I was thinking the same! I’m from the George and Agnes Sizemore line!
I just found this site, but I’d love to share my genealogy book because we all seem to share the same blood. We don’t call my my great-great grandfather “Old Ned”, he’s referred to as “Red Ned” in Leslie/Clay Counties…or at least by my grandfather, born 1882? just being historically correct.
My grandfather too was also a Sizemore. I can’t find ANY records prior to his father. NC/SC border is where they supposedly lived. There was said to be Dutch in his family as well. I can get back to my GG; Thomas Sizemore, then NOTHING?
I’m from the same line! Would love to see what you’ve found!
I’m related to the sizemores form clay county ky, dont knwo any first names other than my grandfather Kenneth short, his mother’s maiden name was sizemore. He was from Clay county. He was married to a Ellen short I don’t ahve am ancestory account or I would type everything in. We have Dutch and Cherokee blood.
My family is from clay county as well Sizemores…. And Jackson’s and cornetts
My grandfather was Clyde Vincent Sizemore his father was cavel V Sizemore nickname Doc from Kentucky.
My ancestor, Charity or Dowlin, was born 13 Dec 1759, NC; died 14 Feb 1845, Pulaski County, KY. My DNA matches lead me to John Dolin, Sr, of Stokes County, NC, as possibly her father. His birth date his unknown. He died in 1802 in Stokes County. Charity was not mentioned in his will, though others of his children were. Charity married Thomas Arman in Surry County in 1790.
According to undocumented information from other people’s family trees on, John Dolin, Sr, married Sarah Ann Watts, born abt. 1748, Tasagi Town, Crocket, TN; died about 1814, Cherokee, AL. He was married at the time of his death to a woman named Juriah, maiden name unknown. I don’t know whether he had any other wives. If these birth dates are correct, Sarah Ann Watts would have been a bit young to be Charity’s mother. John Dolin Jr. married Mary Jolly, and I have not been able to determine whether she was one of the Cherokee Jollys.
John Dolin is said to have been the son of Ann Sizemore, born 1730 Werewocomoco Village, Orapax, VA; died 31 Oct 1800, in Orange County, VA; married Thomas Dolan, born 1730, (Ireland?); died about 1800, Stokes County, NC. I cannot find a record of this Thomas Dolan on Ancestry.
I’d appreciate hearing from anyone who has information about any of these people.
hello my 4great grand mother was catherine hart sizemore her father was george Edward sizemore.
they were from ashe n carolina.
Do you have any pictures of the Hart or Sizemore families.
Supposedly the picture of Annie Hart Sizemore that is shown on many connections to genealogy research isn’t a true and accurate picture of her. Have you also read this?
And have you been successful in finding infor or a link to a possible connection to Pocahontas and Kocoums daughter?
Hello! My name is Sibil. I’m just starting out in this family lineage search to learn about my family, so I can learn about myself, share with my children about more about who they are and share with my elderly uncles’ what I learn before they pass on. Here’s what I’ve found so far (if I’m correct lol). My great grandmother was Rebecca Hart Wilcox( this much I know). What I’ve learned so far is she was a Great Great Granddaughter of James and Catherine (Dollie) Sizemore Hart. Catherine would have been the daughter of Agnes Cornett “Sheppard” & George “Chief of AL” Sizemore. Again, I’m pretty new at this & not sure if I’m doing this correct, but any help would be appreciated. Thank You.
I am also from the George and Agnes line!
My great grandmother was Elsia Sizmore. Supposedly the daughter of Henry “Hunting Shirt” Sizemore and Jenny Arnett Sizemore. However, I cannot verify that Henry was married to Jenny. Any thoughts?
My father is James Sizemore, grandfather is Fred Sizemore, great grandfather is Edward “Neddie” Sizemore. Edward “Neddie” was married to Maggie(first wife) and Callie (second wife). I’m at a loss after that. Any help would be great.
I am trying to find last name of “Mary” believed to be Sizemore Native American who harbored Confederate deserter William Alford. We are not sure, and would like to clear up this mystery!
I love you post about my family I am chief George all sizemore granddaughter luv we are still together
lI am looking for a Cherokee woman named Mary, don’t know the last name. It’s been told she hid a Confederate deserter, William Alford. Alford is a relative of mine, and we are trying to find Mary’s last name, and if they married. A list of children’s names if any, would be appreciated.
Does anybody here have any knowledge about the relationships between the Sizemore and Nolan/Hensley/Pennington families?
My 3rd great grandfather was Aaron Richard Pennington and he married Mary Sizemore- daughter of Harmon and Susan Sizemore.
My husband’s 3rd Great Grandmother was Cinthia Sizemore. She married a Robinson. He father was possibly Old Ned Sizemore.
When we took my husand’s DNA test it came out with 1% Native American which I have always believed it was on the Sizemore side of the family. I would love to know more about the Sizemore’s
My name was deborah sizemore my father and grandfather were named Keith Luther sizemore.i know we were supposed to be Cherokee and irish.can u give me anymore info .my email is thank you in advance
My name was deborah sizemore my father and grandfather were named Keith Luther sizemore.i know we were supposed to be Cherokee and irish.can u give me anymore info ..and thank you in advance
My Grandfather was Carlo Sizemore married to Alie Sizemore in Clay County Kentucky: Ashersfork, Kentucky. Any information.
My Dad is Randy born in West Virginia now in Michigan. My Grandpa is Otis also born West Virginia. My Great Grandpa is Samuel and married Barbara Dillon. From there here are my Grandpa’s names. George L. Sizemore, Owen J. Sizemore, George J. Sizemore, George Edward Sizemore, Ned Sizemore, William Sizemore, William Sizemore. Reach out.
My name is Steve Sizemore Jr and .y dad is Steve Sr from Clay County KY and I was born in Louisville my mom is Joann Sizemore but her maiden name was fletcher. I know all my family comes from ky and k ow I’m part indian don’t know much about my family but would love to know more if anyone can help find more of my family I know my mother younger pictures u can see she had indian blood on her side thank u
Hi my name is Trena my 7th great grandfather was George All Sizemore and my 7th greatgrandmother was Aggie Shepard. My 6th great grandfather was Henry Hunting Shirt Sizemore my 5th great grandmother was Winnie Sizemore.My 4th great grandmother was Rebecca Bagley my 3rd great grandmother was Mahala Asher my 2nd great grandmother was Mahala Marcum my great grandma was Mahala Gabbard and my grand mother was Sara Talitha Josephine Nott Rucks she is burried in tahlequah next to Chief six Killer. My grandmother had one blue eye and one brown eye she was big medicine. My mother was Nemah Ruth Rucks. She told me before she passed away that we were more Indian than we would ever know.
Does this qualify me to be milligene? In doing my ancestry I have found that I am Cherokee Choctaw Chickasaw Lenny lenape mattaponi and probably more that I haven’t found yet. But I do not know exactly what to do with all the information I have. I hope anyone of you can help me know who I am and where I belong. Thank you
George “All” Sizemore is my 5th great grandfather on my mother’s Father’s side. My grandpa is Claborn Begley. Susan and Samuel Begley are his parents. I have the family tree traced in line with George All Sizemore if anyone would like to know. Just email me.
My 5th great grandparents are George All Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd/Cornett. I traced my Begley family tree to conclude this. Many of my family members live in Hyden, KY to this day. I live in Northeast Arkansas.
My 5th great grandparents are George All Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd/Cornett. I traced my Begley family tree to conclude this. Many of my family members live in Hyden, KY to this day. I live in Northeast Arkansas.
I have just discovered that Chief Bear Heart/William Jackson is my 8th great grandfather on my fathers paternal line. I can’t even explain how much this means to me. All my life I have been fascinated by Native American history/culture and beliefs. From the story of Sacajawea when I was 7 yrs old,I have felt a deep kindred spirit with Native Americans. To find out I actually have a Native American blood link is phenomenal!
On my fathers maternal line we have gone back as far as 1045 in Normandy, France and I thought that line was beyond belief!
That line (Bertram/Felton)came with William the Conqueror and served many roles in history since then, Knights,Bishops,Bible translators,Assassin and Martyrs.
I am so excited to explore this new history!
If anyone has any information on Verry Franklin Sizemore(my grandfather,my father, Leonard Dale Walker is his son,born out of wedlock in 1943 in Oregon ) they are willing to share I would be grateful!
Interesting, I just discovered I may be related to Chief Bear Hart.
But I need help connecting the Jackson lineage
Any update on Chief Bear Har Jackson? I read somewhere that he was in the Catawba tribe but another article said his Chief Bear Hart became a name after he lived with them. Is there anyone that has confirmed this information or successfully researched him and his ancestors?
Husbands great uncle Moses Sizemore b.1900…looking for info
Anybody actor knows where mojarra Asher Markham Woods the original grandmother of the Wilson’s family Markham Wilson what’s the great-granddaughter mojarra Asher Markham I’ve looked on grandson of the families now living in Ohio by actor there’s where the last barkems family living today I need them contact me as soon as possible I got more information about their ancestors whereabouts the Wilsons and the markhams it’s a lot of tribal members of the family has ties with the tribes in Mitchell Springs Oregon is the Rizal travel office is at contact me if you’ll owe me Faith 937 798 96 03 cars that beat on the weekends Amy anybody actor knows the Wilsons in the markhams let them know their grandson is looking for him
My father David (Chip)would always tell me that we Sizemore’s were Scot Irish Cherokee so went ahead with a DNA test and it revealed that I am Scott Irish and African said nothing about Native American ancestry so I do know we are of mixed ancestry but I still have questions?
My sizemore family is black and native. Freedmen they call it.
My grandfather was Berry Norris Sizemore, born 1900 or 1901 in Ravia Oklahoma. Son of Adam or A. D. Sizemore.
Anyone related to Shirley sizemore from Ohio?
Or bonita Roxie aleja sizemore ?
couple of ideas to add to the conversation, not saying either one is “true.” #1 i am a descendant of Katy Sizemore, daughter of Old Ned, who married Samuel Fox. i am wondering if this Fox was actually a Blackfox. there’s appears to be DNA evidence for the idea that the Blackfox family sometimes went by Blackfox, sometimes Black and sometimes Fox?
#2 i heard that Pocahontas’s Uncle Opechancanough, captured the slave girl, Sisamor, from Jamestown and had children with her, starting the Sizemore-Powhatan line? The slave girl was said to be egyptian but i have also seen her described as Portugese-Jewish? ty for this site!
I’m a descendant of Ned Sizemore. I’ve heard that our lineage can be traced back to Pocahontas. But, i have no proof. Another thing, I’ve always been told that one of my ancestors was raised by Indians. But, I’ve heard she was originally kidnapped by a white man and rescued by Indians.
We are of Welsh descent, I believe.
My Sizemore family lives in Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky. As far as descendants living from my grandfather George F. Sizemore (1918-1987) and grandmother Dorothy Lawson (1921-1992). His parents were Ezekial S Sizemore and Eliza Jane Scalf.The ancestry I have is his father Robert Sizemore married Loucinda. His parents were Pleasant Sizemore and Mary Josie. Wilborne Sizemore married a Sarah Jones. Wilborne is the son of Rhoda Wilder, the daughter of George “All” and Aggy Cornett Shepard. I am stuck from there because I have linked a “Ned” or William Sizemore married to a Winiford Green but it doesn’t seem correct as this being his wife. I enjoyed reading all the comments here and the information above is priceless, so thank you, Jason Adams, for putting together an abundance of information. It clears up some things that have plagued my mind. I know that I have native american in my family line and have always been proud of it. Just what tribe has always been a curiosity. Everyone always claims Cherokee (as does my family), however, this paints a different picture.
If anyone has information to help with the upper line of lineage, please post here. I will come back daily.
George ‘chief of all’ Sizemore and Agnes Cornett Shepard are my 6x great grand-parents. Interestingly both my mother and my father are a direct descendant. (This was unknown to them when they married of course lol) My paternal grandmother and my maternal grandfather share George and Agnus as their 4x great grandparents. Also- Our family can trace our line directly to ‘ Pocahontas’ 🤍
My great grandma is jewel Sizemore from clay county Kentucky….. we are related to the Jackson’s somehow…. But I always heard stories growing up how that side of my family was Cherokee
My gggreatgrandmother is Malinda Sizemore Cooper, Her father is Richard Sizemore from Dekalb Conty Alabama……Mahala Jane Blevins Cooper my gggrandmother her father is Jonathan B Blevins of Ky.
Any update on Chief Bear Har Jackson? I read somewhere that he was in the Catawba tribe but another article said his Chief Bear Hart became a name after he lived with them. Is there anyone that has confirmed this information or successfully researched him and his ancestors?
Are you aware that Tom Sizemore aka. Thomas Edward Sizemore, Jr., the actor who just died 3/18/2023 in California is a descendent of Geo. Edward and Aggie Shepherd Sizemore. His ancestors were from Clay County Ky. His grandfather, Blevins Sizemore 1914-1973 moved to Detroit, MI in the 1940’s to work in auto factory. His son, Thomas Edward Sizemore, Sr., became a lawyer and Philosophy Professor at Wayne State University of Detroit. Thomas Edward Sr. went to Harvard University Freshman year and quit because he did not like it. Tom Sizemore starred in “Saving Private Ryan”. He was Sgt. Horwath and “Heat” with Robert DeNiro , “Black Hawk Down” and 200 more. He was just 63. My maternal grandmother was Belle Sizemore, born in WV. Her ancestors were from Clay County, Ky. Tom was descended from John “Rockhouse” Sizemore and I am descended from Owen, sons of Geo Edward & Aggie Sizemore.
I read somewhere a hypothesis that the Sizemore surname adopted by some indigenous Americans was probably an English transliteration of a French or Spanish translation of the name Six Killer. That is, first contact with Spaniards resulted in a name like Seismort; or with French, Sixemort. Then later, the English rendered it as a name familiar to them that sounded similar, Sizemore.
I have a 3x-great-grandmother, Mary Arnet Sizemore (b. 7-Jun-1815, SC; d. 26-Jul-1878, Somervell Co., TX; bur. Hopewell Cemetery, Somervell Co., TX; m. Stephen Cruce [with whom she lived in Georgia until his death]), whom I have long suspected to be indigenous or mixed. I have not been able to discover documentation that evidences it, but some allege her father was Henry “Tal” Sizemore (1770-1827) who was apparently known to be Cherokee.
When I look at my DNA relatives on, all who report they have Sizemore ancestors also have some indigenous DNA. In fact, one of my DNA relatives whose surname is Sizemore has an indigenous Y-DNA haplogroup, meaning his paternal line is indigenous. These DNA relatives all appear to have family connections to Kentucky as well.
Given the DNA evidence, particularly the Y-DNA evidence, I think it is unlikely the Sizemores I am related to descend from a Portuguese-Jewish colonial slave. More likely, they descend from an indigenous man who used an indigenous name that meant “six kills” or “six killer.”
If anyone has sources evidencing the parents of Mary Arnet Sizemore, I would appreciate any leads you can provide.
Hi my great grandfather said he was a Sizemore and he was adopted by the Cole family. His name was Lonnie Vance Cole after his adoption. He always told us he was a “Sizemore” “a Creek Indian” and that he belonged to Cherokee.
My great-grandfather was Navy Bill Sizemore. Does anyone have his line of genealogy? My grandmother was Nora Sizemore White. She was born and raised in Leslie County, Kentucky.
On my maternal grandfather’s side from Tazewell VA my 4th ggrandmother was Serena/Aurena/Irena Sizemore 1832/1878 daughter of Reverend George J. Sizemore 1796/1877 & Virginia Jane Baldwin son of George Edward “Ashe Co NC” Sizemore 1750/1824 & Anna Aruna Hart son of Edward Wallace “Old Ned” Sizemore 1725/1780 and Elizabeth Jackson. Proud to have them as one of my Turtle Island connections I like their style.
I am descended from the Sizemores, Fieldses, Adamses, and the Musselwhites (who were Cherokee and who included my great great grandpa who left the Trail of Tears and returned to the tri-state corner). I know exactly how some people came to be named Fields instead of Sizemore. I would like to attend gatherings of the Whitetop Laurel Band if they are still held, or help organize them. I have geneaology information and even books which can answer so many questions raised on this site. I am using a Tablet but will switch to a computer to communicate with people better. I am really excited to know that so many people besides me know about the Whitetop band. I heard about it from a relative, Momfeather.
I could use help I’ve dedicated 100s of hours for about 5 years on research thank you 😊 email
Bertha Mae Sizemore (1900-1964) is 2nd my great-grandmother.
I am a Sizemore. My grandfather was Roy Lee Sizemore Sr. Murdered in 1973. My great grandfather was Floyd Grant Sizemore. Nobody in my family ever talked about my ancestors.
I am a Sizemore. My grandfather was Roy Lee Sizemore Sr. Murdered in 1973. My great grandfather was Floyd Grant Sizemore. Nobody in my family ever talked about my ancestors so I really don’t know anything about them.
My grandmother was Maude Elizabeth Sizemore, born in Sadler, Texas. Her birthplace was right on the border of Southern Oklahoma. She was born in 1890. My grandfather was Benjamin Franklin Bourland. They were my father’s parents. My grandfather was listed on the Dawes rolls as Indian by blood. We are members of the Chickasaw Tribe. My father told me that his mother’s father was part Indian.
Interested on more info on our family feel free to contact me I could use the help thamk you
I recently found out that my 6x Great Grandfather was George ‘Goldenhawk’ Sizemore. His wife, Aggie was my 6x Great grandmother.
I found this article very interesting and informative. I intend to do much more research to authenticate the information I was given. If this lineage is indeed true, I am proud and will embrace it.
Would anyone happen to know if Lucille (Lucy) Sizemore b.1890 in Kentucky is part of this?
After Sizemore, we became Napier, then Hunt.
My grandfather was Clowie Allen Sizemore b: 1910 d: 1975 he had two daughters Martha Sizemore and Susan Elizabeth Sizemore. His father was James Marion Sizemore b: 1886 d: 1950. All of them are passed away now. Bolivar County, Mississippi is where my grandfather lived. Does anyone have any information relating to or mentioning them.
I have a lot of Sizemore DNA matches. Some go back to George and Ned. I haven’t found my connection yet, but it is on my Hall side.
I recently found a testimony letter from my great great grandfather Elijah P Hall. It had to do with Indian records. He stated that he knew Ephraim “Fish Hook” Sizemore, a Cherokee, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, and was convinced that Malinda Sizemore was Ephraim’s daughter. He also stated that his father was William Franklin and he was also Cherokee. The letter was dated 1882 in Sevier County, Arkansas. Elijah was 62 at the time.
Does anyone know about this Ephraim and Malinda?