New White Nationalism

Michael Cass, writing for the Tennessean:

Carol Swain grew up in a poor black family of 12 children, a family that had to carry water up a steep hill to their rural Virginia shack to run the washing machine or take baths.

In her new book, The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration, Swain takes a close look at a simmering, racially charged movement. She argues that affirmative action and other policies to help minorities have done a lot to fuel that movement.

America, she says, should end affirmative action. She cites several reasons, including the possibility that the racial tensions it creates will eventually explode in violence. She recommends that the country create a new, ”race-neutral” policy to lift the disadvantaged out of poverty

After reading the entire article, it sounds like Professor Swain and I are in agreement on some things, namely that affirmative action and self-victimization must go. Further, I agree with her assertion that “the polish and sophistication of some of the new white nationalists, their separatist agenda and their ability to disguise themselves and move freely within many mainstream institutions poses a major threat to racial harmony, I believe, in our increasingly multiethnic, multiracial society.”

Anyone who has ever accidentally picked up a copy of Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance or hangs out at knows what she’s talking about. On the flipside, the modern incarnations of groups like the NAACP, National Action Network, NCLR and the National Urban League have been doing their best in recent years to emulate the “white nationalists” who are, strangely enough emulating them back and so on and so on. In an even stranger twist, I hate to admit it, but David Duke’s group EURO has, through it’s public relations arm, forced the media to give more balanced coverage with respect to specific hate crime incidents. Duke’s and even Jesse Jackson’s contributions to “race relations” are mainly sideshow, it’s the Jared Taylor’s and Al Sharpton’s of the world that are truly dangerous.

I’m going to be getting a copy of her book (hopefully a review copy) and maybe an excerpt will appear at The Abolitionist Examiner in the near future.

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