George Phillies, writing for Liberty For All:
…if you visit Washington, look carefully. A memorial is missing. We honor the dead of the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the War in Vietnam, the Unknown Soldier whose body could not be identified, …but one group of American fighting heroes are not so honored.
I am referring to American slaves. I am referring to our fellow Americans who a century and a half ago rose in just, righteous, armed rebellion against the slaveholder government that obscenely reduced them to the status of property, the slaveholder culture that took their barely-nubile children for its perverse sexual gratification. These are Americans who had been denied the right to speak, the right to associate freely, and above all the right to keep and bear arms. Nonetheless, they rose up to take by just, moral force the rights they had been so cruelly denied for generation after generation.
Sounds good to me George. If you can get the ball rolling, I’d support that with a donation and commentary space in The Abolitionist Examiner, which I founded in order to continue the work of William Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Robert Ingersoll and others. I’m sure there are some other libertarians who would support that as well. I’d also hope that the palelibertarians, I mean paleolibertarians who worship the confederate flag and the CSA would be willing to chip in a buck or two as well, considering how enamored some of them are with rebellion and symbolism.
Update: Evan McElravy has commented on this issue here and Radley Balko has commented here.