Forum: Reaction to interracial marriages

Posted by: choc_sauce

Hi, I am a newbie here and discovered this site as I was surfing the net, to discover the issues that concern interracial marriages in the States. I was aghast to find the first message that I read from a rather irrational East Indian ranting on how Indian women will not marry African Americans. Initially I was amused, now I am concerned.

I am involved with a politicized African American involved in reparation efforts from NY and I am an East Indian, born and brought up in Singapore under a British influenced education system. I didn’t think even people of the same colour skin, but different features will undergo such prejudice.

It is precisely this sort of behaviour from narrow minded people from my own race that makes people of other races more attractive to me. I am not saying that all Indian men are like that but to assume that you speak for everyone is so fundamentally wrong.

I am curious, based on any of your observation, this sort of racism, is it prevalent in the States, and if that is the case how does someone like me insulate myself or fight against it? I am proud of my identity but don’t want that to work against me while trying to assimillate into a whole new world.

And how about the response from African American women towards me? Is that something I should be concerned with as well?

2004-09-12 06:21:00


  1. You may experience some attitudes but don’t worry about it! Let people have problems with you. Who cares?

    The attitude that you saw in the original post are based on old fashioned Indian attitudes. Younger people tend to be more tolerant, particularly as they hit 2nd/3rd generation after immigration.

    Most African Americans will treat you just fine.


    Edited 9/12/2004 8:24 pm ET by Wild Eyed O’Resa Factor (noregrets62)

    2004-09-12 20:21:00

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