1. Its interesting terminology you’re using – referring to a large politically, socially and economically diverse group of individuals as “you people.”

    James Landrith
    AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
    MSN: jlandrith * Yahoo!: jlandrith
    Taking the Gloves Off – http://www.jameslandrith.com
    The Multiracial Activist – https://www.multiracial.com/
    The Abolitionist Examiner – https://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/
    Edited 12/16/2004 6:10 pm ET by jlandrith (JLANDRITHJR)

    12/16/04 6:10 PM

    1. well to be more specific, i’ll say you mulattos. answer the question please. i just wanted to get some info on what this organization is about. what are the goals that you’re trying to achieve?

      12/16/04 7:07 PM

      1. Bob0718 said: “well to be more specific, i’ll say you mulattos.”

        Not being mulatto, I guess then that you aren’t talking to me. Only a small portion of the posters here are “you mulattos.” What makes you this this is a “you mulattos” forum? It is in no way, shape, or form identified as such.

        If you have a problem with a specific poster, then address that specific poster, with your specific problem. Don’t bumrush the forum on your very first visit making sweeping generalizations without specific references and expect folks to be able to answer your questions.

        Bob0718 said: “answer the question please.”

        Actually, you made an accusation disguised as a question. I’m tempted to believe you came here spoiling for a fight. If so, understand this now, this is not the place for that. There are plenty of forums for folks who have problems with individuals exercising their right to self-identify. If that’s truly your angle, please take it somewhere else.

        Bob0718 said: “i just wanted to get some info on what this organization is about. what are the goals that you’re trying to achieve”

        So you go about this by making vague accusations and unnecessary generalizations about the diverse group of individuals who participate in this forum? This place (http://forums.delphiforums.com/multiracial) is a forum, not an organization. The goal here is to provide a relatively safe locale for multiracial individuals and interracial couples to speak their peace with having to deal with attacks from one-droppers, haters and anti-miscegenationists – regardless of skin color.

        In your very first post, you specifically claimed that “you people” have “so much animosity towards blacks.” Having been married to a beautiful “black” woman for 12 years I find that charge insulting, completely baseless and designed to create unnecessary strife and discontent. Further, there are several self-identified “black” posters and lurkers in this forum (past and present). Additionally, your assumption that we are “you mulattos” leads me to believe that you did indeed come here with a specific agenda and really didn’t read the postings here.

        This is one of the tamest “race” related forums operating today at DelphiForums.com. By the way, you also said you had been “reading through the forums here.” Can I assume your use of the plural form “forums” means that you aren’t speaking solely of The Multiracial Activist Forum and Chat? If so, why ask this forum to answer for what you may have read in a different forum? All of the forums at DelphiForums.com are separate entities. Each forum is its own little world unto itself and is not responsible for content that appears in another forum.

        James Landrith
        AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
        MSN: jlandrith * Yahoo!: jlandrith
        Taking the Gloves Off – http://www.jameslandrith.com
        The Multiracial Activist – https://www.multiracial.com/
        The Abolitionist Examiner – https://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/
        Edited 12/17/2004 1:23 am ET by jlandrith (JLANDRITHJR)

        12/17/04 1:19 AM

  2. Who are “You People”?

    Why do you not capitalize the B in Black?

    I don’t recall anything like that on this forum. Why would people who were half Black hate Black people? Wouldn’t that require one to hate one’s own parent and half one’s family? It makes no sense.

    12/20/04 8:44 PM

  3. While I think the poster’s style was a little rough…I have wondered myself about the new wave of multiracial identity myself. AfrAms have always been a multiracial people…yet many formerly Black people have now decided that they want to be known as multiracial…

    what gives?

    I’m still Black.
    Multiculturalism is already here.
    Come experience it!

    Whoo-Hoooooo!!!! The Rainbow Tribe, the AAC and New Bumblebee were featured in the zone gazette!! It’s a bang up day for us :-) http://people.delphiforums.com/zonegazette

    1/13/05 2:32 PM

    1. And you’ve made it clear before that you have issues with “multiracial” individuals having the right to self-identify. You are free to call yourself what you like. Why can’t everyone else partake of the same right without being offensively labeled as hostile or having their motives questioned like they are petulant children? Why is this right reserved solely for those who identify in the “approved” manner? Why is one form of self-identity considered okey-dokey and another form constantly questioned, dissected and falsely labeled by certain individuals who have taken it upon themselves to play the role of “race” cop? I still can’t fathom why some individuals have such a problem with allowing others the free will to choose their own identity or descriptor.

      Its not an affront to anyone else to be an individual and make up your own mind.

      James Landrith
      AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
      MSN: jlandrith * Yahoo!: jlandrith
      Taking the Gloves Off – http://www.jameslandrith.com
      The Multiracial Activist – https://www.multiracial.com/
      The Abolitionist Examiner – https://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/

      Edited 1/13/2005 3:52 pm ET by jlandrith (JLANDRITHJR)

      1/13/05 3:19 PM

      1. James Landrith said: “And you’ve made it clear before that you have issues with “multiracial” individuals having the right to self-identify.”

        Nope, that’s a misinterpretation of my views. I want to know WHY all of a sudden, Black people are renaming themselves multiracial when it is well established that Black Americans/AfrAms are already and have always been multiracial?

        Multiculturalism is already here.
        Come experience it!

        Whoo-Hoooooo!!!! The Rainbow Tribe, the AAC and New Bumblebee were featured in the zone gazette!! It’s a bang up day for us :-) http://people.delphiforums.com/zonegazette

        1/13/05 3:59 PM

          1. I doubt it

            if left-handed people all of a suddent wanted to be called raspberries, I’d want to know why raspberry was a better term than left-handed.

            it’s a fair question and deserves a better answer than “because I said so”


            Multiculturalism is already here.
            Come experience it!

            Whoo-Hoooooo!!!! The Rainbow Tribe, the AAC and New Bumblebee were featured in the zone gazette!! It’s a bang up day for us :-) http://people.delphiforums.com/zonegazette

            1/13/05 4:05 PM

            1. And you continue to demand that others justify their right to embrace all of their self-identity by mocking the issue. That’s cute, but it still doesn’t address why you feel others must justify their self-identity to you. Exactly where do you derive this authority? If you are going to question a person’s self-identity, then the authority for this questioning is your responsibilty to justify. Personally, I find such questioning of a person’s right to embrace their full heritage quite offensive.

              It has absolutely nothing to do with right or left hands.

              Embracing all of who you are is not equivalent to calling the left hand the right hand. Its about whether or not a person has the right to embrace ALL of their identity, or whether they should be held hostage to narrow definitions which only allow partial recognition of their diverse heritages.

              If “black” individuals are really “multiracial” then why should any of these “multiracial” “black” individuals be forced to continue to play along with inaccurate and racist notions like the one-drop rule? Because you said so? Because that’s the way its always been? Because it makes you uncomfortable? If “black” is really “multiracial” then why trip out on those individuals who choose of their own free will to self-identify with ALL of their heritages rather than embrace only the aspect which you approve? Embracing your entire family tree is not “running away from blackness,” no matter how many times that bit of offensive illogic is repeated by those hostile to self-identification rights.

              James Landrith
              AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
              MSN: jlandrith * Yahoo!: jlandrith
              Taking the Gloves Off – http://www.jameslandrith.com
              The Multiracial Activist – https://www.multiracial.com/
              The Abolitionist Examiner – https://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/
              Edited 1/13/2005 5:06 pm ET by jlandrith (JLANDRITHJR)

              1/13/05 4:17 PM

        1. You do sound hostile.

          As a very light skinned, highly Scandanavianized African American. I was never considered to be “Black” by anybody. To those of all races, I was alternately known as “that Mulatto” or the “White Girl” or “Not Really Black”.

          Then I became “Multi-Racial”, even though I really don’t believe in race. I believe in culture. Most of us who originated the term “Multi-Racial” were light skinned, white looking people who could walk through daily life without ever having to experience racism if we didn’t want to. We had every opportunity to “pass”, if we wanted to. We chose not to.

          All of a sudden, to the Black community, I was that woman who doesn’t acknowledge her “Blackness” even though for me, it was a relief to have a way to acknowledge my “Blackness”.

          Believe me, I get lots of crap. I get it from people who consider themselves to be “Black” and I get it from people who consider themselves to be “White”.

          You must chooooose. F*ck that. I love myself just fine and I’m not running away from anything. That’s the whole point.

          People send me emails all of the time asking me why I “hate Black people”. I don’t. At least half of my beloved family is “Black” as are many of the important people in my life. They ask me why I think that I’m “better than Black people”. I don’t. Never said it. Never felt it.

          I’m used to it now, but you have no idea how insulting it can be. I feel the same way about some of the hard core “Mullatoes” who are now trying to set the same restrictions on who gets to call themselves “Mullatto” as though somehow you can actually measure your exact mixture. I don’t care who calls themselves “Mullatto”. I’m just not going to be one of them.

          I don’t care how you define yourself if you are “Mixed”. If you want to call yourself “Black”, that’s great. I’m certainly not trying to force you to call yourself anything else and I’m certainly not questioning your choices or your right to do so. Why would you want to do that to me?

          1/14/05 12:32 AM

          1. I don’t want to force anyone to call themselves anything…stop listening to other people about my question.

            My question is: the black community has always been multicultural. Why the change to multiracial NOW?


            Multiculturalism is already here.
            Come experience it!

            Quote of the week…Alcohol consumption and cell phone usage don’t mix! Ms Bashful, 1/14/05

            1/14/05 3:33 PM

            1. This should be interesting. I don’t know quite how to put this so I’ll be as blunt as snatching a band-aide. It’s a thing that goes on with the Black race that reminds me of the game Pac-Man. When you say that you are Black, no matter what else you are, the Black race eats up all the other identities. You can’t tell people that you are this or that no matter what you look like because the Black race is the dominant focus. You can have the whitest skin, the almond eyes, and the longest straightest hair possible but you are not allowed to acknowledge your race as mixed, biracial, or anything other than Black. Some people feel it’s a denial of heritage and others think you are trying to escape through some magical kaleidoscope door. While I agree that there have been multicultural Blacks for years, it hasn’t always been this way. I also feel that as more interracial couples are formed that there will be even more labels. (That’s all race is anyway, a label. It doesn’t make you better or worse just different. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything and I feel that making someone conform to something that they don’t believe in is wrong. If you feel you are a mono race then be a mono race and if you feel you are multiracial than that’s what you are and don’t change it.

              4/30/05 8:51 PM

              1. Bellfire i see your point. Do you think the reasons are less to do with the biology of race and more to do with the politics of race? After all there is no such thing as ‘race’. We are, no matter what physical variation, the same species. I do not see myself as a black person racially and much prefer mulatto, because i do not have any obvious black physical features. However, politically i do see myself as black because we are fighting the same cause against the same oppressor.

                5/1/05 3:36 AM

                1. Yes I do, I also feel that it’s some form of measuring stick that some people will be forever unable to achieve. I feel that people are who they are and shouldn’t stride to be someone else’s sterotypical ideal. (It’s too hard.) I want to know when did people develope an action figure that determinds how one should act racially. You know a guiding modle that tells people the right and wrong way to preform and look to match up with the preconcieved notion that everyone is the same person. People have different views, ideals and characters which extend beyond race to accept any and all cultures. That’s how God made us and I feel people should follow that guide and be who and what they feel they are and worry about if it’s right in God’s eye and not for man.

                  5/1/05 3:39 PM

              2. interesting post.

                I’d say it’s not the “Black race”, but rather society’s decisions about the ‘black race’ that have made your comment true. but that’s an answer. Thank you.


                Multiculturalism is already here.
                Come experience it!

                Quote of the week:…I may be a moron, but least i’m not you.Jim fr Phila. 5/1/05

                5/10/05 9:43 AM

                1. Nope. YOU came here DEMANDING that other people justify their identity to you. All these years later, you still never answered WHY ANYONE OWES THAT TO YOU. Cowardly and pathetic.

                  Exactly who the actual fuck do you think you are, Kimberly Walker? Yes, that’s right. I used your real name. You flooded my forum with one-drop rule hatred toward anyone who identified as multiracial. So, you don’t get to do it anonymously like a coward. Sorry, not sorry.

                  James Landrith
                  AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
                  MSN: jlandrith * Yahoo!: jlandrith
                  Taking the Gloves Off – http://www.jameslandrith.com
                  The Multiracial Activist – https://www.multiracial.com/
                  The Abolitionist Examiner – https://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/
                  Edited today at 5:12 pm by jlandrith (JLANDRITHJR)

                  10/24/2021 5:11 PM

          2. Hi, although I truly feel you, lets be real here about the culture of America and why someone would want to identify themselves as other than “black”. Yes we have always been multiracial and when I have said this I have gotten comments from some mixed ppl to the effect of you are not mixed “like” me. This only causes rifts between us as a ppl, we are all that we have considering how the general census in this land of ours is that you “must” be a part of “one” group. If we are sensitive to each other and recognize the facts of why and how we have come to this place than perhaps we can live and let live but not when one group insults the other group or discredits the other the way some do here and else where. It is not only some “black” ppl who feel affronted but some “mixed” ppl as well who want to be seperate from the “whole” black group, which is what some blacks are reacting to. I feel as you do, I dont care who calls themselves what as long as they do not reject the “group” they are indeed tied to no matter what they think they are and as long as they do not show hatred for their “black” side. But truthfully even if they do I am sure they do not care if it bothers me or not which is really the core of the matter no matter what you think or feel about some one else’s choice it is just that, “their choice”. Namaste and light…..

            1/28/05 3:48 PM

            1. Namast Ladeeowl!

              Thanks for your post. I’m quite sure that there are mixed people with Black heritage who do hate that part of themselves, mixed people with White heritage who hate that part of themselves, mixed people with Asian heritage who hate that part of themselves, etcetera.

              I’m familiar with Black people who hate themselves too. That’s unfortunate.

              The self-hatred that many of us African Americans grow up with – favoritism towards lighter skinned people, racism and prejudice is something that we all need to work to overcome.

              How we define ourselves and which parts of us we love and embrace, that’s what being multiracial is all about.

              1/28/05 5:11 PM

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