Monsieur Gilbert Martin, Sr.


Gilbert E. Martin, Sr.
Gilbert E. Martin, Sr.

FOUNDER: The International French Créole Cultural Society
FOUNDER: The Louisiana Reclamation Movement
PIONEER: The Créole Non-Violent Revolution
AUTHOR : “Créole Chronology”, “Passé Pour Blanc”

Monsieur Martin was born in The 7th Ward,
“Le Cœur” of the Créole section of Nouvelle Orleans,
13 Avril 1923.

At 19, he left Le Vieux Carré for
Le Corps des Marines Américains,
in which he served for over 3 years.

Monsieur Martin concluded that
Louisiana French Créoles
are an Independent Nation.

In 1979, he founded The International
French Créole Cultural Society.

He advocated for the unification of The French Créole Nation,
not only in the province of Louisiane,
but throughout The Worldwide French Diaspora.

In 1994, Monsieur founded the Louisiana Reclamation Movement to
re-expose The Louisiana Territory as LA TERRITOIRE FRENCH CRÉOLE:

“Martin argues that the French Créoles of Louisiana are entitled to
tax exemptions and tax refunds, not only from federal government but
from each and every State where they have been made to pay income
or property taxes.

He makes that assumption because he said that, the United States did,
in deed, receive and make use of 908,380 square miles of Territory.
And for that acquisition, Martin claims, that U.S. guaranteed that it
would comply with the treaty and provide to the French Créoles and their
descendants many of the rights they did not receive.”

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