News Clip: Despite acclaim for ‘Loving,’ ‘Lion,’ interracial couples on film remain a rarity

Lauren La Rose, writing for The Canadian Press on “Despite acclaim for ‘Loving,’ ‘Lion,’ interracial couples on film remain a rarity“:

It’s been 50 years since the debut of “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” yet film portrayals of interracial couples remain a rarity in Hollywood.

The 1967 movie was a watershed in its positive depiction of the relationship between an accomplished black doctor (Sidney Poitier) and his white fiancee (Katharine Houghton), at a time when interracial marriages were still illegal in many U.S. states.

A half-century on, there are few examples in modern films of romances involving interracial couples. If anything, the subject of race tends to be the focal point of such pairings — such as Spike Lee’s 1991 film “Jungle Fever” and 2006 romantic comedy “Something New” — or are based on real-life stories like the Golden Globe-nominated “Loving” and “Lion,” and forthcoming biopic “A United Kingdom.”

Ken Tanabe, founder of the Loving Day campaign, is quoted in this story as well.

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