News Clip: Multiracial population grew in almost every county in the US

Nicole Chavez, writing for CNN on “Multiracial population grew in almost every county in the US. It doesn’t mean racism is over“:

The figures released by the Census Bureau Thursday show that the multiracial population in almost every county in the United States grew between 2010 and 2020. In Puerto Rico, half of the people said they were more than one race — a trend that demographers say happened across the US as people shifted to multiracial identities.

One comment

  1. I think racism is actually getting worse. White people are more strident in their views, but getting more sophisticated and otherwise better at maintaining their power structures. There also are the emboldened vocal extremists who are ready to say and do more to maintain white dominance. But even the more ‘politically correct’ and carefully-spoken white people are getting better at maintaining their position, and keeping anyone who isn’t white out of any meaningful conversation and certainly out of positions of influence. Of course there are exceptions that only prove the rule. I have some posts about this here

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