Letters to the Editor

Hate Mail

Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 20:35:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Todd Thompson
Subject: Letter to the Editor

You, are the bad guy here. Your children will suffer because of your
mistake. Ask your self if you would like to grow up different from
eveyone else, a mutant. You deserve the most severe punishment possible
becauce you hurt children. You should love children, not mutilate them.


  1. Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 10:17:57 -0700 (PDT)
    From: George A. Winkel
    Subject: Do we sin?

    “Bad guys”? “Hurting” our children? Poor Todd mistakes our divinely beautiful children, the fruit of our loving, special marriages, for “mutants.” Alter-forged on rings of holy vows, our unions slip the surly bounds of Earth. Our angels’ wings spread beyond the rising sun to touch the face of God.

  2. Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 22:08:16 -0800 (PST)
    From: Sabaka
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    Dear Mr. Landrith, What Todd said in his post was not silliness as you described it. Like it or not, he has addressed a reality that the multiracial movement is abhorred to accept, that mulattos, are Black people. I’ve argued at Interracial Voice that, it is white people who created, developed, and maintain hypodescent, not Black/African American people. The multiracial movement can never realize its desires/objectives, as long as white people remain in power, that is, in control of the material and mental means of production of society. As long as whites remain in power, institutionalized racism/white supremacy will continue unabated, to the detriment of whites, all peoples of color in general, and Black/African Americans in particular. Unfortunately, the multiracial movement lacks a scientific analysis of race relations (I am dismayed that not one contributor has been able to tell the difference between racism and race prejudice?!) and this is why they are set up for chronic disappointment. Institutionalized racism/global white supremacy DEMANDS that whites be supreme, and as a result, all whom they have not defined as white,(including those they allow to “pass” as white) are considered Black/mixed/bi-multi/mulatto, and ultimately the N-word. What Todd said is not silly, it is the norm.

    Todd is also correct when he asked “are you after the children’s best interest, or your own.” White parents can never fully divorce themselves from their own racist values having come up in a racist society. They must be ambivalent toward Blacks, it is impossible to be otherwise, and as a result, they must feel the pressures of having a nonwhite child and mate. By militating for a multiracial status category, white parents can at least say, “the child isn’t really Black, it’s mixed/bi/multiracial”, with the intention/hope of alleviating some of the stigma, for themselves and the child, that is associated with being Black in this country. It is in the childs best interest, to be raised as a Black American or whatever race he/she most phenotypically resembles. This solution would not undermine interracial marriage at all, and the child would still not be precluded from celebrating the white parents heritage. This, I believe would make for an all around healthier situation, until such time as, institutionalized racsm/global white supremacy is dismantled.


    1. Editor: Dear Sabaka, I’ve previously read your one-drop soaked postings at IV and don’t buy your whole “what about the children” bit. Children of mixed-race grow into stable, mature adults with ever-increasing consistency all over this nation, succeeding in life in spite of racism from all races. What you are actually proposing is a last ditch attempt by the black supremacist movement to erase bi/multiracial identity from the face of the earth. You and yours have lost the war. I for one, will not back down. I fully comprehend the complex nature of race relations in this country, I’m just not willing to let the past dictate the future. Things are changing, people are marrying interracially, multiracial children are growing into multiracial adults and achieving incredible success in all areas of life. It’s time for the one-droppers and supremacists of all hues to get over it. The war is over. We’re now in the cleanup phase. Change is hard, I understand, but our community will only tolerate so much. Scare tactics and “Whitey won’t accept you” arguments have long been debunked. The world is rapidly changing. You keep fighting the stream all you want. I have too much work to do to spend any more of my time fighting with those who won’t accept defeat.

      1. Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:14:54 EST
        From: Sabaka
        Subject: RE: Reply to Mr.Landrith

        Dear Mr. Landrith, Thank you for making my post public, censorship is so undemocratic. Let me make my position very clear. I am not against white people, multiracial people, interracial marriages or mixed babies. What I am against, is institutionalized racism/global white supremacy, and it’s child, pathological color/race prejudice. I am also vehemently opposed to your movements true motive/objective, as well as, I have just learned, the Tan American movement, and that is, to be officially designated as a new race.
        Now we are talking color/racial hierarchy, in a word, pigmentocracy, and that would mean serious political, social, and economic consequences for Black/African Americans in specific, and for overall society in general. It was for this reason, I believe, that the monopoly capitalist white power structure denied you your “box.”

        You say that I am “one-drop soaked,” but I think you and some others are missing the point, that being, for whites, “one drop” means not white. Even if you had an official multiracial designation what would change for you vis a vis institutionalized/racism/global white supremacy? Mexican Americans are, I believe, classified and identify as white ( when it’s convient to do so ), yet complain about being victims of racism ( at least they aren’t accusing Black/African Americans of racially oppressing them ). In the Weds. Jan. 26 2000 edition of the N.Y. Times, pg.A7 reads, “Some Texans Say Border
        Patrol Singles Out Too Many Blameless Hispanics.” Judge Vela ( a Hispanic federal judge ), asked a Border Patrolman, when he observed that only Hispanics were being stopped, “Do you ever stop anybody who isn’t BROWN?” Mr. Hinojosa, a county judge, and even the Hispanic supervisor of the Border Patrol, Juan Lopez, have been detained for no other reason than they fit “the racial profile.” My point is, one drop or one gallon=Black=brown=red=yellow=tan=multiracial=the N-word= bottom line, NON/NOT WHITE. This was also the point that Todd was attempting to make. By the way, what what happened to Todd’s post?

        Until institutionalized racism/global white supremacy is dismantled, this will remain the social reality and all the feel good editorials and essays, all the interracial marriages and mixed babies, and accusing people of being “one-droppers” will not change this.

        You say, “the war is over.” I really wish that was the case, however, from the ever increasing reports on racial conflict in this country, in Europe and around the world ( For example, look at the war that the white minority in Equador is waging against their indigenous Indian population, ), this war is far, far from being over. With all due respect Mr. Landrith, I don’t think you really understand the racial complexities in this country. Or maybe you do and that is why you and your movement are so anti-Black and pro-color hierarchy. I know that you are married to a woman “of color” and your’re probably saying, how can I suggest that your are anti-Black? Remember, NYPD police officer, Justin Volpe’s fiancee is Black, but it didn’t stop him from “sticking”( excuse the pun ) it to a Black person. All whites in this country are racist, because they have been reared in a racist society, therefore, it cannot be helped. Many whites like yourself, truly attempt to be conscious of there racism and genuinely struggle against it, but all to often fall back into their racist attitudes/behaviors without realizing it. The best example of white people seriously struggling against Institutionalized racism/global white supremacy, was the great martyr, John Brown and his martyred followers. They were real. When you have a chance visit the “Race Traitor” website.


        1. Editor: What about Todd’s post? Todd has written to me twice. Both emails are posted up. The one you referred to in your last email was sent in 1999 and is appropriately on the 1999 letters page, where it has been since it’s submission. See: https://www.multiracial.com/readers/1999readerletters.html

          A previous submission from Todd, who is white, BTW, and has admitted in a private email to me that he is against interracial marriage because he has been mistaken for multiracial and hispanic previously is also available on this website, although I don’t remember the month. Probably 2nd or 3rd quarter of 1999. You can support Todd and his anti-interracial marriage position all you like, but try to learn the basic facts of your new friends beliefs first.

          I understand the complexities of racism in the US just fine. I just don’t believe you have the right to suppress an entire group of people to promote your beef with whites. That is what your one-drop soaked ravings are all about. Checking boxes on the Census has nothing to do with institutional or other racism. It’s not about hailing cabs or anything else. The push for a multiracial category was about people checking boxes without being asked to deny major parts of their heritage and identity all for the sake of fascist individuals like you who wish to control others. I wish to control no one. I currently favor abolition of all racial categories from all government documents. These categories are used by our government and civil rights groups more to keep different groups at each others throats, which is very profitable for certain civil rights groups, than for promoting harmony and defeating racism.

          1. Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:04:02 EST
            From: Sabaka
            Subject: Response to your editors note.

            Dear Mr. Landrith, That we live in a democracy, it is, I believe, a given, that it is appropriate to disagree with someone else’s position. I don’t know how you can construe my opposition to a multiracial category as an attempt to suppress an entire group? Being that multiracials, will for the first time be allowed to check off their various racial and ethnic heritage’s, would seem to me, that you have been granted exactly what you’ve wanted, i.e., to officially express your multiple heritage’s. So where is the suppression? I have no desire to control/suppress you or your group nor do I possess the power to do so, however, I do have a right and an obligation to speak out against anyone/group that is a threat to me or my group. There is an abundance of evidence historical and contemporary to establish that, an intermediate “race” between Blacks and whites, will result in serious political, social and economic consequences for Black people. There is no evidence to demonstrate to the contrary, and if you understand the racial complexities as you say you do, then you know that such an idea under institutionalized racism/global white supremacy is totally untenable. For example, the Hispanic population, is in fact, an “intermediate race/group,” and you can see the problems/conflicts between them and Blacks, especially, in Calif., the Southwest, and Florida, and this situation is only going to get worse as their population increases. My “beef” as you put it, is not with white people per se, but with their historically developed mindset/worldview—–institutionalized racism/global white supremacy. If you feel that you are being/have been suppressed, then direct yourself to the Federal Census Bureau/OMB, as it was those agencies that denied multiracials their exclusive racial “box.”

            You referred to me as a fascist which is totally inappropriate and inflammatory. This is a very loaded term and I consider it slanderous and misrepresentative of my comments and request that you remove it from your post. I have never been, nor am I, nor will I ever be a fascist! I am not thin-skinned nor am I above name calling/razzing/labeling, however, there are lines and this term has too many connections with Hitler and Nazism, and I do not want my name associated with them in any way. You can call me whatever you like, barring the N-word and fascist. You also wrote, that I am “anti-interracial marriage.” I don’t know how you came up with this, given, that from the onset of my post, I clearly stated that I am not anti-interracial marriage. Let me state here for the record that, I am pro interracial marriage, however, I am anti-multiracial -“race” category. Todd is not my friend, however, the part of his post that I quoted is absolutely the reality of things, like it or not.

            I agree, that the racial categories are divisive and do little if anything to promote harmony and defeat racism, however, being officially recognized as a new racial group is exactly what the multiracial movement is all about. Don’t you find your position just a little contradictory?

            In closing, it is wrong morally and it is wrong strategically to continue to scapegoat Black/African Americans for hypodescent. Hypodescent/ “one-drop”, is the invention of white people, they developed it and they maintain it. If every Black individual tomorrow stood up and shouted from his/her rooftop, “mulattos are not Black!”, do you really believe that masses of white people would look at them ( mulattos ) any differently? Come on. Hypodescent and a host of other racial problems will end when institutionalized racism/global white supremacy ends, and not before, like it or not.


  3. Editor: First you say: “I have no desire to control/suppress you or your group nor do I possess the power to do so, however, I do have a right and an obligation to speak out against anyone/group that is a threat to me or my group. There is an abundance of evidence historical and contemporary to establish that, an intermediate “race” between Blacks and whites, will result in serious political, social and economic consequences for Black people.” Then you go on to say that you are not a fascist. Hmmm. It seems to me that you do wish to control multiracials. Otherwise there is no point to your attacks on me at this site and your attacks on the good readers of INTERRACIAL VOICE.

    Remember, you sought us out and attacked us. Not exactly the
    peace-loving victim you’re trying to portray in this email. Your statements above reinforce my previous comments. I stand by my assessment of you and your agenda. The emperor, as they say, has no clothes. In your psychotic ravings you claim that all whites in the U.S. are racists, including the humble editor of the web page, then you go on to say that you say you have a right to speak out against anyone/group that is a threat to you. Next you demand that I remove comments from my site that were spawned by an email you sent me? And I/we are supposed to just take it and smile and say “golly gee, I guess he’s right. We really are racist by birth. It must be in our genes. Let’s just bend over and take one for the cause.” As my mother would say, “That is a pipe dream.” As I said before, the war is over. Our movement has reached critical mass. It’s just a matter of time, marriage and procreation. Stand in the way all you like. You can’t stop us.

  4. Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:31:23 -0800 (PST)
    From: George Winkel
    Subject: Is Sabaka fascist?

    On 1/29/00 @ 01:15 Sabaka wrote, in part:
    All whites in this country are racist, because they have been reared in a
    racist society, therefore, it cannot be helped. Many whites like yourself,
    truly attempt to be conscious of there [sic] racism and genuinely struggle
    against it, but all to often [sic] fall back into their racist
    attitudes/behaviors without realizing it. The best example of white people
    seriously struggling against Institutionalized racism/global white supremacy, was the great martyr, John Brown and his martyred followers. They were real. (Brackets added.)

    I think this holding John Brown up as a “martyred” role-model shows where Sabaka is coming from. Abolitionist or not, John Brown was a terrorist in modern parlance. He massacred five settlers and led a deadly armed raid on Harper’s Ferry (1859, 10 more dead), in a futile attempt to ignite a race-war. John Brown was hanged. Perhaps Sabaka now follows convicted lifer (former death-rower) Charles Manson? In 1969 Manson organized massacres — murderous “helter-skelter” rampages in the homes of movie celebrities — meant to be blamed on blacks. Manson’s aim, too, was to ignite a race-war. Brown and Manson both seemed fanatical, crazed. Does the description fit Sabaka?

    Sabaka pays lip service now and then to decrying racial divisions: “I agree, that the racial categories are divisive and do little if anything to promote harmony and defeat racism ….”

    But Sabaka clearly is committed to a worldwide split — so-called “pure white” versus everyone else. (Sabaka preaches “white v. nigger,” as sharply, cruelly as if to cut our blue Earth “racially” into barbed-wire concentration camps. See Sabaka’s Point Counterpoint posts to Interracial Voice (http://www.interracialvoice.com/point30.html). Sabaka’s inflammatory diatribe demanding all-or-nothing racial categorizing, an iron-clad “One-Drop Rule,” cannot be intended to ever lead to peaceful ending of racial discrimination (or whatever causes ethnicity to correlate with inequality). Rather Sabaka talks of “dismantling” “institutionalized racism /global white supremacy” in confrontational rhetoric unmistakably implying violent overthrow. Couple this with Sabaka’s gerrymandering the word “racism” — bloating it in so many words to mean “being white” — and the combination unmistakably spells genocide. Sabaka has posted opining that fear of black males’ “superiority” underlies white racism on which Sabaka blames everything: “… as long as white people remain in power.” Hitler, too, expressed beliefs like these in the genetic materiality and “inequality” of human “races” he was, of course, another scape-goat artist of infamy.

    (And how many holding Sabaka’s posted views might condone wrongful acts, with hopes of eroding the fabric of “white dominated” “corporate society”? Wouldn’t Sabaka’s philosophy absolve criminals of responsibility as “driven,” “victimized,” etc.? Couldn’t such apologies at least license “minorities” allegedly “incapable of racism” to discriminate with impunity against the smallest minority, of mixed-race?)

    Sabaka raves about the ubiquitousness of “white racism.” But to show it, Sabaka has to ressurect 19th Century authors, drag up long-dead historical atrocities, and scrape the bottom of the barrel for contemporary anecdotes. Sabaka’s bizarre “racism” claims spring from ideology, not evidence. Lacking rational bases, they are ridiculous. As a committed Black Separatist, Sabaka evidently has no comprehension of “white” peoples’ thought now, a third of an American century after their transformation by the hand of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sabaka does not write like someone who was around at the time of the King-led movement, or to have gazed on the face of true White Supremacy/Racism as it was in those evil days of the American apartheid.

    I saw. Dr. King’s raceless, embracing leadership switched off the main burners of “white” racism (forever, I hope), and for just a moment the engines of government stopped rending our Peoples based on their alleged “race.” (My wife and I married.) Sabaka wants to go on twisting the garrote in the other direction. I think Editor Landrith was charitable calling Sabaka “fascist.”

  5. Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:42:40 -0800 (PST)
    From: rpuppie
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    As far as it goes with our buddy sabaka, I’ ll say this: Massa sho’nuff done a good job wit you!you got his one drop theory commited to memory and according to Charlie, you gone start you one of them “black people are the superior race” groups! Good for you you lawn jockey!! As for the Editor, fight the good fight!

    Evolve or go the way of the Dinosaur,

    P.S. Sabaka, may your grand children blend and become whole.

  6. Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:55:32 EST
    From: Sabaka
    Subject: Response to your editors note.

    Dear Mr. Landrith, Goerge Winkel, like yourself, not being able to seriously challenge my positions……………

    1. Editor: ENOUGH!! Sabaka, we get the point. You don’t like those you perceive to be white people. Especially white people with multiracial children who disagree with your notions of black supremacy. Move on. You’ve had your say. I’ll not cover this again.

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