Letters to the Editor

LTE: Equal Time

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 03:40:35 -0500
From: Clarence Conner
Subject: Equal Time

I’ve always been ashamed of the hypocrisy and bias in American news media, however the show Equal Time which recently (11 Jan 2000) featured Senator McCain, Governor Bush and Steve Forbes, discussing their tax plans, really
has spot lighted yet another dimension of media bias. Where was Alan Keyes?

With Keyes far ahead of Mr. Forbes and, in some polls I’ve seen , Gov. Bush and Senator McCain, as well as having a bold new tax plan that is radically different (and in my opinion, far better) than the other GOP contenders, I
am left with no choice than to believe the omission of Mr. Keyes was due to the color of his skin. I find it hard to come up with any other reason.

Perhaps, the name of the program should be changed to “Equal Time (as long as you are white).” This way, I’ll be forewarned and can avoid wasting my time viewing the program. I’m sure I can find some other meaningful project to occupy my time. Perhaps then I could use this time to create a web site asking for a boycott of NBC and Microsoft until those in charge realize that racial exclusion is no longer tolerable in this country.

Mr. Clarence L. Conner

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