Letters to the Editor

LTE: Evolution of Racism

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 18:16:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: RUredE4me
Subject: Letter to the Editor

C’mon people! What you’re crying about?!?

You mean to tell me no one hasn’t told you that RACE DOESN’T EXIST?? If only you people knew how it all came about. Ever study the Aryans and how they created the caste system in India? Or the likes of Johann F. Blumenbach who invented the racial divisions Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid? How about H. S. Chamberlain who suggested the “ideal” blonde haired and blue eyes as being superior?

These people look down on race-mixing people like yourselves because you’re a threat to white racial purity. Besides, white people make up less than 10% of the world’s population which means their biggest fear is ANNIHILATION! Check it. Visit any racist organization website (ie. Stormfront) and the message is clearly written.

If only you knew the true mechanics about the concepts of race. You people would NEVER call yourselves “multi-racial”. You can be any color you want or call yourself anything. Look around the world people of color ARE being inflicted by white racism. Being “multi-racial” doesn’t make you any different from being blacks, latinos, Native Americans or whatever.

Simply put? You’re all AMERICANS (if born/raised in America). Not “multi-racial”. Hear that, A.D. Powell? Perhaps you ought to visit these sites.

-What is racism? http://www.valdosta.edu/~asantas/Racism/Racism.htm

-How Racism Started http://www.frymulti.com/~bfenton/politic/diatribe.html

-Racism Around the Globe http://saxakali.com/CommunityLinkups/racism.htm

And feel free to visit my personal site: http://www.geocities.com/ru00ru00/patrusi/goozoo2.html


  1. Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 09:29:08 -0700 (PDT)
    From: RUredE4me
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    Black people ARE multi-racials. My grandmother was “bi-racial” along with many others in my family members. They didn’t seem to have any problem with being black. Why continue to make MORE divisions in this country?

    Are we going to create new labels for children who have a parent who calls him/herself “multi-racial” while the other parent may be black or white?

    How far are you going to go? I bet you wouldn’t even allow a “multi-racial” who happens to have very W. African ethnic features to call him/herself “multi-racials” because all you would see is a black person.

    So, is being “multi-racial” have more to do with the way a person LOOKS? If that’s the case what in the hell would you call Michael Jackson who have more (store-bought) Caucasian features than the average WHITE person?

    All you people are doing is distancing yourselves from anything black!

    1. Editor: You exposed your true intentions with your second email. You first try to say “race” doesn’t exist (which we already know, by the way) and then you send off this ridiculous message of hatred and allegations of conspiracy. Nobody at The Multiracial Activist is running from their blackness or telling people with darker complexions that they can’t identify as multiracial or biracial or whatever. Take your lies and travel on friend. There are plenty of places that will welcome your one-drop fantasies. This isn’t one of them. We’ve no need for your poison here.

  2. Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 16:11:01 -0800 (PST)
    From: “RUredE4me”
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    “The Evolution of Racism” — http://www.geocities.com/ru00ru00/racismhistory/mainpage.htm

    It’s all there. Learn how racism was created as a means to sustain an underclass. Read about how racism got out of hands in Nazi’s Germany. Read how eugenics still exist today and it’s progress into the 21th century they call it “genetic engineering.” It’s ugly! It’s evil! It’s immoral! Pretty soon everyone will be wanting designer babies born with blonde hair and blue eyes.

    There is no “race.” There is no “multiracial.” We’re just plain HUMANS all descended from the same wound. Why not do the world a favor and change your organization’s name from “the multiracial activist” into “the human activist.” What good will a “caucasian” phenotype do you when human rights violation persists throughout the world?

  3. Editor: You say: “There is no “race.” There is no “multiracial.” I say, “Correct, race is purely a disgusting sociological construct.” If there is no “race” and no “multiracial” then there is also no “black.” Are you comfortable with that? If the concept of “race” is to be given the burial it deserves then everyone, including those who consider themselves to be “black” will have to abandon the concept of racial identification. You go on to say, “What good will a “caucasian” phenotype do you when human rights violation persists throughout the world?” I say, “I don’t understand the question or it’s origin, please elaborate.”

    Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 16:11:01 -0800 (PST)

  4. Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 20:43:48 -0700 (PDT)
    From: “Kentucky Fried Chicken when Tanned”
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    Message dated Jan 14, 2001 refers:

    You appear to be giving the impression that mixed people shouldn’t have the freedom to describe themselves as such, and should call themselves Humans. The only reason we are having to describe ourselves, is for the bloody ignorant people out there that for some unknown reason, pretend that we don’t exist. Haven’t you noticed how many people out there call themselves white, but have more so called African features than yourself, or the people that call themselves black, yet look so called white, and more white than those calling themselves white. I think it’s hilarious. Haven’t you noticed that Chinese and Philippinos look like Africans, and that the only facial differences they have is maybe the shape of their eyes? Why? It’s because we are ALL MIXED. Look at our new president. He looks somewhat Mexican or Latin American to me, and his mother looks African to me. We have always called ourselves Humans. It is the racist societies that we live in that have imposed labels on us to describe how they falsely think we should be described. Well, every label should have an expiration date, but for self-fulfilling reasons, these labels have been purportrated by those that created them in the first place, and by those suckers that have agreed to use them on themselves and others…. It is not us, but the “labellers” who have made “what to call oneself”, an issue! Discard those old labels into a BONFIRE.

    Certain people don’t want us to describe ourselves as mixed because it makes them, not us, uncomfortable. If you are allowed to yell to the world that black is beautiful, why can’t I boast of being brown and mixed??

    I have never proclaimed that I am a “color” ie black, white or brown. I do, however, proclaim my ancestry. Why should I describe myself by the colour of my skin, when it is obvious, from viewing me, what color I am, at the time. Color is not an accurate way to describe myself anyway, because it changes depending on my exposure to the sun. It also tells you NOTHING about me as a person, if I were to describe you by my COLOR.. The nature of a person is not determined by how they look, but how they act.

    By the way Editor, you put it very well. That if there is no mixed, then there is no black. I LOVE IT, and of course I’m in total agreement with you. Well said!!

    1. Date: Sunday, December 16, 2001 2:10 AM
      From: LK
      Subject: Letter to the Editor

      multigenetic@hotmail.com wrote “we have superior genetics”? really. interesting. if thats the case, the black american population really should be told. they are on average nearly 1/3 caucasian themselves. question is, who is more superior? the 1/2 caucasian or the 1/3 caucasian? according to you its the one who is more white (the 1/2 or more caucasian, mixed-identified person). hmmm… that sounds a bit racist to me.

  5. Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 20:53:35 -0700 (PDT)
    From: “Kentucky Fried Chicken when Tanned”
    Subject: Letter to the Editor

    Lets play scrabble:







    Notice, there is a far more interesting combination of words in the word brown.

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