Letter to Editor of Indian Country Today re: Blood Quantum

February 7, 2003
Carolyne Gould-Rondot
Letter to Editor of Indian Country Today

Letter to the Editor of “Indian Country Today”

RE: Blood quantum wins at Flathead; membership decline predicted


I applaud your position on the “blood quantum” question and agree wholeheartedly that the true definition of a tribe or nation’s status should be defined on the political and governmental level of that tribe. It is true that a tribe or nation’s “sovereign” rights must be upheld. Unfortunately, under current government practices, most of what should be sovereign rights have been taken away. (But, that is a whole other topic. This message means to focus on the people affected by disenfranchisement through blood quantum laws and the governmental practices of the country in which they live.)

I believe that the proper political and governmental level will have to be the world stage of international law, based on the inherent rights given to all aboriginal peoples by their Creator. Anything less will be controlled by the very governments and bureaucracies that perpetrate the continuing genocide of our people.

There are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people who, through blood quantum laws or the effects of governmental practices in the United States, Canada, Australia and Mexico, have been disenfranchised of their inherent rights — and by no means am I talking about getting monetary benefits, land or hunting privileges. The issue is, or should be, “above” material benefits and strikes at the core of a human being’s right to “be.”

In the summer of 1999, a small group of people got together and discussed those laws that effectively denied the existence of “Indians” who did not meet artificial blood quantum standards. We saw that those laws were part of the continuing genocide. We asked ourselves how we could help stop the genocide from continuing. An idea emerged — fight fire with fire, fight national/federal laws with international laws.

Out of these discussions a new sovereign nation was born — The Metis Nation of the South. The word “metis” was chosen specifically for its definition applying to “mixed breed.” This nation was founded on international laws regarding aboriginal peoples. It was also agreed that the Metis Nation of the South (MNS) would stand as a home for the disenfranchised native; and, that not only are federal benefits not wanted, but would never be sought, and that there would be no fees or charges of any kind associated with membership. And, that MNS would fight for the international recognition of the Metis, aka Mixed Breeds, as a distinct, aboriginal cultural group.

MNS is against:

*Blood quantum laws;
*Federal, state or provincial laws that restrict or take away the inherent rights of tribes and nations;
*Charlatans who exploit the disenfranchised for money;
*Fake shamans who charge for “vision quests” and “Indian ceremonies;”
*The word “shaman” whenever it is used in connection with Native American Indians;
*Fake “nations” and “tribes” who are in reality “non-profit” organizations in business to make money;
*Any persons who exploit the cultural, spiritual and religious property of Native American Indians;
*Adoption laws that keep Lost Birds (and their descendants) who were removed from their homes and tribes from reconnecting with their families and tribes;
*The idea that any one “Metis” nation is the sole “proprietor” or arbitrator on who is or is not a Metis.

MNS and its members stand for and support:
*All disenfranchised people whose heritage includes mixed native blood;
*The right of the disenfranchised to practice the traditions of their particular ancestors, following traditional teachings, learned in a traditional manner particular to their own individual ancestry;
*Native nations and tribes who have lost or are fighting for the federal recognition historically due them, even though MNS seeks no federal recognition for itself;
*The right of all Native American Indians and Aborigines to practice their traditional beliefs and culture without interference from outside governments;
*The inherent right of all Native American (or aboriginal) tribes or nations to govern themselves within their own tribe or nation, following their own cultures and traditions;
*All our Brothers and Sisters who are suffering under the restrictions and interference of federal, provincial, and state bureaucracies;
*That the word “Metis” includes all people of mixed native heritage and is not restricted by geography or history to any one group, place or time.

However, even though MNS is working for peaceful international recognition of all Metis, there is a “truth” we support that supercedes even that goal and its possible significance. The MNS believes that all aboriginals and Metis, regardless of any particular political or tribal affiliation, state, national or provincial recognition — or lack thereof — have the right to practice their own personal religious, spiritual and cultural beliefs without outside interference, or blessing of anyone other than their Creator.

More information on the Metis Nation of the South may be found at the website:


Also see:

International Metis Women’s Council


Carolyne Gould-Rondot
Acting National Chairman
Metis Nation of the South
7 February 2003
Notice: Permission is granted to post, publish or forward this message as long as it is printed in its entirety, including this notice. All other rights reserved.

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