False Controversy

Aacia Hussain of the Northern Star on Interracial dating: Controversy?:

There are many things which cause us to stop what we’re doing and stare – a car accident, a fight or maybe a fire.

What about two people holding hands walking down the street?

Your first inclination may be to say no, but some think that if one of the people was a different race than the other, it would cause heads to turn.

The issue of concern here is interracial dating. The subject has caused much controversy during the past few decades and continues to stir up mixed opinions at NIU.

The only controversy I can see is why any adult would give a damn about the opinions of those who can’t see past skin color. Come on folks, if a third party tells you that you can’t be with someone based on melanin content, that person is a raving jackass and not worthy of your time or consideration.

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