The Invasion of Mulattos

The Invasion of Mulattos from the Bad Eagle Journal
by David Yeagley

CNN and MSNBC are using a number of “mullatos” as anchors on their prime time news casts. This is different from the entertainment industry, where idols tend to be chosen by the audience. There have always been performers of mixed black and white races, who have been very successful. But the people seem to choose whom they want to idolize. In news media, however, it’s an ‘in-your-face’ prospect. The ancor is what you have to look at, if you want the news.

Now, this matter pushes the envelope, really, about the whole idea of whether the Negro race is something other races enjoy looking at, or prefer looking at. This is a sensitive issue, naturally. In fact, it’s so sensitive that the laws of America tend to require a non-Negro person to dutifully respect and value the Negro, regardless of any personal preference. The law thus makes a world of hypocrites, in a way, in the name of equality.

But, again, the Halle Berry’s, the Mariah Carey’s are a matter of taste or choice. But what about the news anchors, the Frederica Whitfields, the Alison Stewarts, the Lester Holts, the Suzanne Malveaux’s? These are counting as “black” statistics in the hiring quotas, but, do they really represent black people?

One comment

  1. Suzanne looks just like my European cousin!! Identical. Only in racist America are these people classified as Blacks. In the rest of the world, they are exactly what you SEE.

    9/4/2005 8:04:26 PM

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